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Weed, Pizza and Confessions

After sal and I parted ways with Dee we headed up to my apartment - well its a basement but its the same thing i suppose - once we got there we invited Ash and Todd round but Todd was going on a date with Neil. . .it must be nice to have someone who loves you, i mean i dont mind being single but being in a relationship just seems better! I wish i could cuddle with someone and hold there hand when we walk places while we listen to music. . .kinda like what me and Dee do on the way to school, actually now that i think about it. . .HOLLY SHIT I LIKE DEE! but wait ive only known him for a couple of weeks! I don't even know if he's into guys! Let alone trans guys! . .i haven't even told him im trans. . .fuck! What if i tell him and he thinks its wierd? I mean he said he's not homophobic but what if he's transphobic? Shit shit shit shit SHIT!

My long panic was abruptly interrupted by a feminine voice,
"Uh- Larry?"

"Um yeah?!"

"I was just saying hello but you where zoned out" ash chuckled, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Oh- well hello!"

"You ok?" Sal asked

"Yup! Just thinking"

"-about a certain blond russian?" Ash Smirked

"What. . ?"

"Oh don't pretend like you dont have a crush on Dee!" Sal exclaimed


"We haven't talked in weeks and i knew!" Sal semi-joked

"You have to admit it was obvious!" ash snorted

"NOT TO ME!" I yell, my voice cracking slightly.

"Your hopeless!" Ash laughs "seriously lar how have you only noticed!"

"I dont know!? Ive been worked up about sal and travis for the past week so i just didn't think about it!" I frantically explained before laughing at myself, god i sound like an idiot. .

"Well fyi dee definitely likes you back~" ash teeses, sal was laughing so hard he couldn't get a word out - he almost sounded psychotic.

"Yeah right. ." I scoff. "There is no way he'd like me back!"

"BULSHIT!" sal finally perks up "dude he literally follows you everywhere!"

"We have alot of classes together!"

"And your always texting!" Ash adds

"So? I text sal all the time!"

"He's basically your brother though!" Ash argues back

"Seriously. He doesn't like me."

"Whatever you say lar-bear" sal sighs. The room fills with a suffocateing silence until i hear my phone go of;

~Russian spy sent a message~

"Ooo~ whos that?" Sal says, drawing out the sentence in a teasing way like he already knows who it was.

"Just dee."

"Ooo~ tell him i say hi" ash chuckles

~Russian spy~

D- hey u up?

L- yk its like half 4 right? Ofc im up

D- wtf- istg it was later

L- are you high or smth?

D- hah i wish

L- sal and ash are over if you wanna come get high ;)

D- you sure they won't mind lol

L- they're fine!

D- ok cya

L- cya :)

I smile to myself as i close my phone. Of course sal noticed my mood change and him being him decided to yell out:


(Im sorry i had to xD )

"Omg dees comming!?"

"Yeah!" Sal yelled back

"You two are literally next to eachover why are you yelling!?"

"Yeah i can hear you from the elevator-" said a familiar voice, Dee.

"Jesus fuck dee you scared the shit out of me!" Ash scolded.

"Sorry?" Dee's sarcastic emphasized by his thick russian accent. "Hope I'm not interrupting-"

"No,no. Not at all!" I smiled, patting the seat next to me.


We spent the rest of the evening smokeing weed, talking, watching movies and eating pizza. The hole time i kept finding myself looking at Dee. . .Ash and Sal constantly hinted to the fact i liked him, it made me jump of a cliff, but Dee didn't seem to notice. . .luckily.

We finished are pizza and another movie, we where all pretty high so since it was a friday we decided it was best to have everyone sleep over. Sal lent Ash some clothes and i gave Dee some, i gave him an oversized Megadeath shirt and some shorts. My clothes where really oversized on him which i had to admit was adorable~

"Megadeath?" He asked

"Yeah? Please dont tell me you dont know them??"

"Of course i know Megadeath! Im not that stupid!" He retaliated, his accent even thicker than ushal.

"Calm down kiddos im trying to sleep" Ash hushed while she fell onto the bean bag. Sal was already passed out on the other beanbag which left me and Dee to sleep on the bed. .

"You can have the bed imma crash on the couch" i offered

"Its your bed u should sleep on it."

"No srsly i dont mind! You take the bed!"

"Shut up and just share the bed!" Ash ordered, i glanced at Dee to see if he was alright when it and he just shrugged so i fell onto my bed, he stayed standing. . .

"C'mon i don't bite" i chuckled - trying to hide the fact i was freaking out - and patted the space next to me, he eventually layed down and we both got comfortable. A while pasted and i couldn't sleep, in all honesty i was freaking out! All i could think about was Dee. He was not even and inch away from me, my newly discovered crush was shareing my bed! Everything felt so wrong. . Yet so right. . .suddenly i felt a arm wrap around my waist. . .Dee's arm. . .



Word count: 955

new kid (larry x dee)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora