Two - Chapter Barnacles

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A/N) Okay, thank you for all your questions that you've sent in for the Captain! I hope you enjoy!

Izzy smiled widely, getting out a piece of paper from her folder with a flourish. "Good boy. Okay, so this first question is from O-ctonaut! Who wants to read it out?"

Several hands went up. One of Dashi's, one of Peso's and two of Kwazii's. Kwazii smiled smugly as he was passed the sheet.

"No fair," muttered Dashi under her breath.

Kwazii stuck his tongue out at her briefly then began to read.


Anyways , ahem! This isn't a question, but I love your accordian. :D


Barnacles looked very confused at the first part.

"From when you blacked out when we drugged you," informed Izzy.

"Oh - okay," Barnacles said, deciding not to question how this random person knew that. Then he smiled, evidently relieved that he didn't have to answer any questions just yet. "Well thank you, er -"

"O-ctonaut," Izzy prompted again helpfully.

"O-ctonaut," Barnacles repeated. "Is that her name? Because that's a pretty weird coincidence if it is."

"No, it's just her username," Izzy replied.

Barnacles decided it would be safer not to ask further, although he was still very confused as to why this person had a 'username'. "Anyway, thank you for being concerned for me and I'm very glad you like my accordion."

"Because nobody else does," Kwazii butted in with a cheeky grin. "Apart from orcas who don't really count since their version of music is weird wailing noises, which pretty much sums the accordion up anyway."

"Hey!" begun Barnacles in protest. "I'm not that bad at it any more!"

Kwazii looked sceptical. "Have you heard your playing recently?"

"So -" Izzy quickly intervened before things could get too heated between Kwazii and Barnacles. "The next question is from KateSeleneMelody3OCS. Who wants to read it?"

Dashi was quickest to raise her hand this time and smiled happily as she was given the piece of paper.

'So, Captain Barnacles Bear... WHY DID YOU STEAL MY REFRIGERATOR! Oh, and what is the most dangerous thing you've ever done?

(Sorry about that outburst. Feeling random. :3)'


If the captain wasn't already completely confused before, he was now. "Why did I - steal her refrigerator?"

Izzy nodded wisely. "It's an interesting question."

"Is it?" Barnacles searched his mind for an appropriate response. "Because I was - hungry?"

"It's a good enough reason for me," Izzy grinned. "Though if you were hungry, you could just have some cookies. Fan cookies, obviously. No need to go stealing random fridges."

Barnacles nodded, not really following much of what she was saying but trying to seem like he wasn't utterly out of his depth. "What was the second question again?"

"What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done?" Dashi asked again.

"Well there's been a few times where it got pretty dangerous. Being around an active underwater volcano was pretty hazardous, and there was the time with the manatees where I nearly ran out of air," Barnacles recalled. "Hiding from hungry barracudas, getting hit by lightning, falling off a blue whale and getting stung, yeah, that may be the most dangerous mission I've ever gone on."

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