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Challenge No.28 - Pick a Monster.

Write a scene or story that includes a monster or another character from a horror movie.


Phil was desperate, the thirty-first of October was Jumbie Night and in a few days, it would be here, he needed to be ready. Halloween, Day of the Dead, Jumbie Night, it didn't matter what it was called, his school was hosting the first annual Jumbie Night and Phil had no idea what monster character to dress up as.

Phil's brother Nick was also trying to think of a costume to make.

"I could go as a Ladjablès, having one cow foot could be cool," Phil suggested.

"Ladjablès is a girl, you are a boy."

"I could be a Bolom," Phil said.

"You're too tall."

"Okay, a Moongazer."

"You're too short. What about Papa Djab and the Ti Djabs." Nick countered.

"I suppose you want to be Papa Djab and dress in red and white, while I'll be a Ti Djab covered in coal dust," Phil complained.

"Well, it was my idea. If you want you can be Acrobat." Nick said.

"I have to think about this." Phil finally admitted.

"Maybe I'll go as Papa Bwa. Can you see me all barebacked with my goat feet?" Nick snickered.

"Mum'll have a fit. Besides, it's October. Saint Lucia is cold in October. You want to shiver all night?" Phil pointed out.

"Good point little brother. So, what are we going to do?"

"I suppose I could go as Dracula or Frankenstein." Phil shrugged.

"Mum says no. Mum says there are enough local creatures out there. Mum says for us to choose from them." Nick warned.

"Mum says. Mum says. Mum says." Phil mocked.

The brothers went silent as they contemplated what monster character they would go as. Phil got a sneaky smile.

"You have an idea." Nick accused.


"Tell me."

"Nope. I'm not telling anyone. Not even mum."

Phil kept his vow and no one was allowed to see his costume until the night of the party.

Nick eventually made a decision too and got mum to help him.

"Do you need help with your costume?" Mum asked Phil.

"No thanks."

"What are you going as?"

"It's a secret."

"But I'm your mum!"

Phil grinned in response.

Mum tried a bribe. "I've got your favourite ice cream in the freezer."

But Phil crossed his arms and furiously shook his head.

"Ah well, I tried." Mum gave up.

On Jumbie Night Phil emerged from his bedroom.

"Finally!" His brother accused him. Nick was dressed in the red and white costume and white beard and gloves of Papa Djab complete with his red staff that had a red hand at the end.

"But you're not dressed. What happened to your costume? All that work!" Mum was horrified and sad for Phil all at the same time.

"This is my costume." He spun around.

"You're supposed to be a monster, you twit. You're wearing a suit." His brother scoffed.

"I am a monster, I'm a politician."

© 28 March 2022

All 101 Stories are available online at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BS8SKY6J

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