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Challenge No.35 - I'm Thankful for That.

Write a scene or story that includes a character being thankful for something unusual.


With no notice and the force of Thor's hammer, Joel had informed Farrah that he was leaving. Going to Mars. She'd wanted to scream at him 'WHAT! JUST LIKE THAT?!' But instead, she'd wished him well.

That had been two months ago and she'd sprang into action. Dr Farrah Fedée was not rich but as the head of the Astrophysics Department of the Université de Federaçion she was well known, even better, she was well connected.

The problem with time is that a person always felt that they had an endless supply. When in fact it was finite and precious. Dr Joel Hippolyte loved her - of that she had no doubt. She in turn loved him instead they played a game of obfuscation for two years. Because they thought they had time. Now there was none.

She had to take the gamble of her life. Farrah had called in every favour and leveraged every influence she had.

The nine months flight now took five months and the old school rocket ships had morphed into luxury liners, complete with first, second and third-class compartments. There were also sleep options packaged by month. Most people opted for the full five months. There was also a twenty-six-month waiting time between trips so as to ensure planet alignment* during which time travellers went through orientation and training.

Now it was launch day and here she was. The crowd was thick with travellers and we'll wishers. She could not find Joel. She'd have to track him later. Processing was as bad as any ocean cruise but she was finally in her room. Why it was called a room and not a cell? Farrah attributed to marketing. It would not do to charge all that money for a cell.

People were still boarding. She accessed one of the many terminals.

"Computer. locate passenger, Hippolyte, Joel."


"Show me the shortest route there."

The map flashed onto the screen. Farrah downloaded it into her device had made her way to Joel's room. It wasn't difficult to find. She was now operating off adrenalin and before she could second guess any aspect of what she was doing, rapped in the door. It opened and there he stood.


"We don't have much time till the countdown starts. May I come in?"

"Sure!" He let her in. "What're doing here?"

"I'll come straight to the point." Now she was standing before him, she hesitated.


The announcement galvanized Farrah. "I'm here. I'm on this flight because I love you and I don't want to be without you. One big gamble hoping that you feel the same."

He took a step forward. "Yes. I love you. I was too chicken to say it and I'm thankful to all gods you are here." He kissed her. "Now get to your cabin. I'll see you in five months."

© 4 April 2022

* A trip to Mars can only begin when Earth and Mars are properly lined up. Alignment only happens every 26 months, as such, there is only one launch window every 26 months.


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