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Challenge No.40 - The Resolution.

Write a scene or story that includes a character confronting the decision to make a big change in their life.


By Saint Lucian standards the funeral had been a spectacular success. The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception seated two thousand people and it was packed. People had to stand inside and out. The city of Castries was brought to a standstill by the amount of traffic. A turnout like this had never been seen before.

No home could host the hoard and wisely, the family had rented the Red Cross Hall, hired a caterer and DJ. Oh yes. Ma Fifin was going out in style! The time came to leave and the buses hired to move the grieving family, friends, well-wishers and professional mourners lined up.

Tonya came down the stairs searching for the friend she'd come with. Girl's rule: you leave with who you come with.


Tonya's gaze landed on her friend. She moved forward. "You were leaving me down!" It was not a question.

"Ever since I texting you! Come I have a seat for you!" Olive defended.

"Where! The bus full!"

Olive turned to find that the spot had been taken. "AA."

Tonya felt the tap on her shoulder. "Hey, Guy."

"You don't answer your phone. I've been looking for you."

"Same thing I just tell her. Hey, Guy."

"I put the phone on silent in the church, it must be still on."

"Need a ride?"

"Come on, Olive, débatjé*." Tonya ordered.

"I'm good where I am. Too many people to climb over. Anyway, you lovebirds go ahead."

"You sure! Come with us. Let someone else get the ride. We can go for pizza." Guy said.

"All that food in the place and you still looking for more! Boy, you have a worm!"

"All that food - you got?" He asked Olive.

"No." She admitted.


"Not one piece. Not even water I managed. Too many people."

"And I for sure didn't get. So, let's go!"

The bus began to move. "Doh forget we have to go Baywalk Mall tomorrow!" Olive waved from the window.

"Looks like it's you, me and the pizza." Guy grinned.

They were still waiting for their order to arrive and sipping wine when Guy's cell phone rang. "Yo... yeah she's with me... hold..." he put the speaker on. "Okay, Felix I have the speaker on."

"The bus went down a precipice."

"What bus!" Her fear made Tonya's voice overly harsh.

"The funeral bus that Olive was on. Some mad man was overtaking a forty-foot trailer and to avoid colliding, the driver pulled the bus to a side and down they went. All onboard died"

"Where?" Guy asked.

"Anse la Verde."

"Anse la Verde! Who the hell overtakes anything at Anse la Verde!" Tonya raged.

"Thanks, Felix." Guy cut the call.

"I told her to come with us! You told her to come with us!" Tonya's voice could hardly be heard.

"You could have been on that bus." Guy pointed out.

She nodded.

"Decisions made and decisions not made." He said.

She nodded as the tears started.

The pizza arrived.

© 9 April 2022

* Débatjé is the Creole word for 'get off' as in getting off the bus.


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