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Challenge No.33 - You Make Me Simile.

Write a scene or story that includes a simile. Try to create a simile that has never been written before—no "it was warm as an oven's."


With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams*, there were two things that were guaranteed to make Mark smile. The laughter of a baby and the smile of his lady; either were guaranteed to brighten his day and place a smile on his face. He lived for Leslie's smile; to him, it was as powerful as an electric line. Her slightest frown and he was in despair, her merest smile and he was elated, her laughter elevated him to the gods.

Leslie was a woman who enjoyed life and saw the silver lining in almost everything. It was usually her cheering him up. Then there were days like this when she'd arrived home to their apartment in the government housing known as the CDC with a thick cloud of depression surrounding her.

"Let's go for a walk," Mark suggested and would accept no excuse even as he irritated her.

Eventually. "Where to?"

"Serenity Park. The lights are still up from Independence Day. Let's take a stroll and think of nothing but the lights.

"Okay." She agreed.

Hand in hand, Leslie let Mark escort her along the waterfront towards the park. They made their way through the crowds trying to catch a bus home, past the abandoned government printery, along the historic Castries Market past the police headquarters on what was the offices of government and into the sculptured green space.

The tall skinny, black man and the short, plump, black woman, settled in the gazebo and watched the fish swim around. Friends and family referred to them as the number ten.

"Hard day?" He ventured to raise whatever was depressing her.

"I hate my job."

"I know."

"That man is unreasonable."

"I know."

"I hate that place."

"I know."

"I don't know what to do!"

"I know. Leave it for tomorrow."


"Nothing to be done now, things may look different tomorrow. Maybe you will quit this time."

"I suppose." She thawed slightly.

He draped his arm around her shoulders and pointed at the heron as it dived into the water and emerged with a fish. He kissed her temple. "Good news waits, bad news won't go away."

"What good news!" She sniffed.

"That this man loves you."

"That the cure for the boss sexually harassing staff?"

"Never. But I hope my love and support will be your rock as you are mine."

"Yes." She sat on the nearby bench. "I'm glad you made me come. I needed the healing touch of nature as well as your energy. You calm me."

"At your service ma'am." He bowed.

A fish jumped, the five-year-old in him emerged and he pointed. "Look! A fish just jumped! Did you see it?" He turned towards her; his excitement was infectious.

She smiled and Mark was complete.

© 2 April 2022

* Closing line from Desiderata


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