11. Another Daughter

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Whispers were heard
The reason was valid
The remarks were mandatory
The smile were meant for remorse
Shoulders were patted
With fake sympathy
The women lying on bed
Doesn't agree
She deserves the pity
Do them reason was valid
Don't you know
She had another Daughter.

You can try next time, this happens
This is not what,
The woman on bed wants to hear,
All she wants is,
Rather have you out of the room
The infant is crying
The whole house can hear
Even walls have ears,
They have all turned deaf ears
The infant isn't normal
She is the 'another daughter'.

The child is mine,
Whom I taught not to lie
But why do they make me
Lie each time
'Yes, I will try next time'
Even all I want to do is yell
'That's my daughter
My youngest daughter
Not just another daughter'

The twinkle in her eyes is fading away
All I wonder
Whom to blame for all this insane
Why do I see my pain in her eyes
When she hasn't even seen the ray of day nine.

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