Chapter 13

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Yongrae left the umbrella outside his house and entered in. He was all wet from earlier and wanted to go to his room to change before he could get sick. Chuncha was there and saw him coming.

"Hello, Yongrae!"- said Chuncha, "Why are you soaking wet?"

"Hi, mom!"- replied Yongrae nervously, "I accidentally dropped the umbrella earlier..."

"How it went today?"- she asked, teasing him, "It was the third date if I'm not mistaken and today is Valentine's day?"

"Why do you ask, nothing happened...!"-replied Yongrae embarrassed, "I am going to my room to change clothes."

Yongrae ran to his room and closed the door. He leaned his back to the door and took a deep breath. In his mind started playing the moment when he kissed Sunjung and he started blushing. His heart started pounding again and his breath got shorter and shorter.

"What am I doing with my life?"- he thought regretfully.

Then he went to his bed and took a nap. After he woke up he saw the clock and realized that it was dinner time and that he slept all afternoon. He got up from his bed and went into the living room because he was hungry. There, Oliver and Chuncha were having a romantic dinner together. Yongrae saw flowers and candles on the table along with a nice meal.

"Can I join you two?"- said Yongrae to his parents. They told him to join and he sat with them at the table.

"You are home quite often lately..."- said Yongrae to Oliver.

"Why is it so strange for me to be at home?"- replied Oliver with a question.

"Never mind..."- said Yongrae and started eating. For a while, nobody talked until Oliver decided to give them some news.

"This Sunday we three are going out for dinner with Yujun's family."- said Oliver to them. Yongrae was surprised to hear that. He had almost forgotten about what his father had planned for him. But then he remembered the reason he was doing it and let his resentment go.

"Okay!"- he replied sadly and continued eating.

Yongrae decided to not contact Sunjung until the day they will go to dinner with their families, mostly because he felt too shy to approach her after they kissed. And so the days passed and the dinner night was here. Sunjung before dinner called Seojun to talk to her about Yongrae and that he hadn't called her since that day. She felt confused and sad since Yongrae didn't call her anymore.

"I haven't heard from him since that day we kissed!"- said Sunjung with a gloomy tone of voice, "Maybe I did something wrong?"

"Don't overthink this too much."- replied Seojun, "Maybe he is just shy."

"Maybe that's the case, but anyway i'll meet him later tonight..."- said Sunjung, "We will have a family dinner together."

Yongrae was getting dressed while his parents were waiting for him downstairs.

"Yongrae are you ready?"- shouted Oliver from downstairs.

"I am coming!"- replied Yongrae as he finished dressing. He got downstairs and they left for the restaurant Oliver and Yujun picked for the occasion. Oliver parked the car and they went inside. Yongrae started to feel anxious since he would be meeting with Sunjung after they kissed. Yujun saw them and waved to let them know where they were seated. They saw him waving and went towards them. Both families greeted each other and they sat. Yongrae was accidentally seated in front of Sunjung. They locked eyes with each other and then looked away blushing. They ordered and started the dinner while talking and having a good time. Oliver and Yujun opened some bottles of soju and started drinking.

"Dear stop drinking, it's not good for your health!"- said Gyeong worried.

"Last one I promise."- replied Yujun while fake smiling at her.

"Yongrae have you tried alcohol before?"- Yujung asked Yongrae out of the blue.

"No sir!"- replied Yongrae, surprised.

"Oliver, you should teach your son how to drink!"- said Yujun, surprised at Oliver, "He is a man now!"

"Let's drink together for your first time, Yongrae."- said Yujun while pouring soju to an empty glass, "And call me father now, no need to be formal anymore!"

After hearing that, Yongrae's heart dropped and he started to feel anxious, his palms started to sweat and his breath shortened.

"Okay sorry, mister Jee!"- replied Yongrae nervously, "I meant father."

Yongrae took the glass with both hands and looked at it, doubting that he could handle that. Yujun toasted with him and they both emptied their glasses in one breath. Yongrae was surprised at how well he handled the alcohol, he didn't feel bad at all after it.

"You can handle alcohol well Yongrae!"-said Yujun while smiling, "Not like Sunjung that gets drunk easily."

Yongrae started nervously laughing from the compliment and Sunjung felt a little embarrassed.

"Yongrae, I don't know if Shaun told you but Oliver and I invested in his company."- said Yujun "Lovoscope will become reality!"

Yongrae was happily surprised by what he heard and started smiling. He thought that probably the reason that his friend didn't respond to him these days could be that.

"Shaun will be the CEO and own half of the shares!"- said Yujun, satisfied.

"Thank you very much father!"- said Yongrae, feeling relieved that his plan worked.

Both families continued their evening in each other's company. Everything was going well, only Yongrae and Sunjung didn't talk with each other yet, only random eye contact and some exchanged nervous smiles.

"Anyway guys we have decided to go on a family vacation together next weekend and stay for a week in Kyoto!"- said Yujun to them, "We will go on February 24th and be back on March 1st."

"This way we can celebrate Sunjung's birthday and get you guys officially engaged!"- continued Yujun.

Sunjung looked at her father happily. Yongrae started to feel worse, he fake smiled and got up to go to the bathroom.

Yongrae went to the balcony of the restaurant and remembered Yujun's words about getting them engaged. At that moment Sunjung went to him from behind and surprised him.

"Sunjung, you scared me!"- said Yongrae after looking back.

"Sorry, Oppa!"- replied Sunjung, "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, I was just coming back actually..."- said Yongrae nervously.

"Good because we are leaving."- replied Sunjung, "They sent me to pick you up."

"Okay let's go then."- replied Yongrae.

Sunjung looked back to see if anyone was watching them. After she was sure that nobody was around she blocked the way out and looked Yongrae in his eyes.

"Oppa I missed you so much!"- said Sunjung to him with a sad tone of voice, "Why didn't you call me anymore?"

"Well you know... my dad told me about tonight and I thought..."- replied Yongrae trying to justify himself. As he was speaking Sunjung wrapped her hands around him and kissed him. Yongrae's eyes opened a lot more than usual from this surprise. Sunjung stopped kissing him and looked into his eyes, they were both blushing. She grabbed his arm and pulled him inside the restaurant. They both went to the table and left with their families. On his way home Yongrae received a message on his phone from Shaun.

"Bro sorry that I did not respond but I had a lot to do, I hope you are not mad at me, let's meet tomorrow at 10 am at the park and I'll explain everything."- said Shaun in his text.

Yongrae smiled and replied to him saying okay. He put his phone in his pocket and leaned his head to the window all the way home.

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