Urban Combat [🇺🇳]

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Welcome to the T.G.C-HUD (Tactical Ground Combat Heads Up Display), Commander.


"Urban Combat"

Location - ???
Time - 1431 - 2:31 PM
Weather - Scattered Rainshowers

Objective:"Recon in the city and find out where the hell did we end up!" - Major Lee

UN Modified Navex Guncrew APC

APC Crew
Navex Driver "Fort"
Navex Turret Gunner "Shred"

Deep Recon Team Members
Heliborne Commander "Y/N L/N"
(A/N:Heliborne Commander is player character in Strain Tactics so the name and gender of the Commander is up to you, and self insert)
KLTM-6 Defender "Ries"
KLTM-6 Recon "Ping"
KLTM-6 Standard "Sona"
KLTM-6 Assault "Dulf"


Activating T.G.C-HUD Recording Systems...
Activation Successful, recording.


Navex Driver Fort:"This is your driver speaking, we will be arriving at our next destination "fucked-city" in a few minutes, this is our potentially last stop until further notice! Haha..."

Dulf [KLTM-6 Assault]:"That was a dull joke."

"I have to agree with that."

We were tasked by Major Lee earlier in the morning, i think 10 AM to say, to explore the city and collect information on where we are and if possible, what year it is if we run into a calendar.

The drive to the city was 4 hours long since the APC can't exceed 50 MPH without bumping into debris and abandoned cars so we had to move slow.

When we approached the city, we were greeted with an anbandoned suburbs that used to bustle with life, but its nothing more than a dead zone with corpses of what we assume to be the disfigured things from before, and more cars left to rot blocking any vehicle from passing through so we had to park our APC at the entrance to the suburbs.

Me along with Dulf and Ping exited the APC, Sona and Ries are left to guard and assist the vehicle crew incase something happens until i feel fatigued, the sudden rush of drowsiness caught me off guard and i fell down...

I suddenly find myself in a dark void, my Ground Team nowwhere to be seen and i can hear my heartbeat going faster, no pain and my helmet can't provide light, so i got up from... the invisible floor.

???:"So... You are the ones that appeared."

A voice rang through the void as i look around to find the source, i withdrew my P2 "Compact" and aimed around.

???:"Fret not, for i shall not bring you harm, rather that i cannot really harm you."

"How the hell are you so sure about that?"

???:"To put it simply, i simply hijacked your helmet, used some of my power to create a special type of liquid that can alter ones perception of reality which should made you dizzy, and them transferred your consciousness here, pretty complicated yes?"

"...i didn't feel no headache or my vision going funky, who the hell are you?"

???:"That is unimportant, what is important that i will tell you one thing."

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