DSMP OC fic ending!

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Mooshru was gone. He didn't answer any of Avix's messages through the comms, and he wouldn't answer if Avix shouted for him. Almost no one was here.

At least that's what Avix thought.

He heard someone struggling. He looked to his left, by a tree, to see Schlatt struggling to get up. "Dad!" He called. Schlatt looked up, his expression changing immediately after seeing his son.

"Avix, I though you were-"

Avix ran to Schlatt, tears in his eyes. Before he could even reach him, though, his path was blocked. Avix stopped in his tracks.


Schlatt was confused. What the fuck was Dream— Dream held his sword up to Schlatt's neck. "I wouldn't move if I were you." He told him.

Schlatt stood there, staring directly at Avix.

Avix clenched his fists. "Stop it!" He yelled. "Let go of Schlatt, or el—"

Suddenly, Dream took off his mask.


Avix felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to look at Dream— The real Dream, staring down at him.

"You're cornered, Avix." He said. "What will you do now?" Avix turned back to look at Schlatt.

"Wh—" Before he could finish his sentence, he felt something hit his head, and he fell unconscious.

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