Claustrophobia - Chase Elliott 9️⃣

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Let's Fall in Love for the Night - FINNEAS 🏁

It was nearing 8pm and practically everyone had left the office. Making a small mental note to never procrastinate a deadline Y/N started to make her way into the elevator just exhausted from editing all day. Staring at a computer monitor all day wasn't her favorite part of the job but it balanced out all the traveling she had to do. Only 8 floors stood between her and finally leaving the building for the next 4 days. That was until she heard a familiar voice from the hallway calling out to her. "Hold the elevator please" instantly recognizing the young driver who was speed walking towards her she held the 'Door Open' button. It was common to see drivers at the NASCAR headquarters as they usually stop by for press or photo shoots but it was very uncommon to see them here so late. Not wanting to pry Y/N only gave a small nod and smile of acknowledgment when he made it in. "Thanks" he returned the smile before pressing the "L" button.

   They both we're watching the small floor indicator at the top of the door. Not thinking much of anything.
The little needle was just starting to reach the 6th floor when suddenly the elevator screeched to a stop with a loud clunking
noise. The jolt caught both of them off guards so they held onto the handrails for support, just then the lights went out and shock started to take hold over Y/N's body. It was like her literal nightmare had came true. She could feel the color draining from her face as Chase spoke up "oh my god, are you okay? What just happened" just on cue for the emergency lights to turn on giving an ominous vibe, they were very dim and flickering.

Y/N didn't respond, her heart began to accelerate while she slid down the wall of the elevator still not letting go of the handrails, pressing herself more and more against the wall. Her breathing shallowed as all the movies where people died in an elevator came to mind.

For a moment Chase didn't realize what she was doing as his own panic was beginning to ensue, that was until he heard the hyperventilation coming from the girl who was struggling to compose herself in the corner. "Hey hey hey, come her it's going to be alright." He said without thought while crouching down to comfort her. Roughly 1-2 minutes passed and he noticed her breathing was beginning to regulate. "I'm really sorry, I just get really bad claustrophobia inside elevators and this one dying definitely isn't going to help with that fear." Y/N said finally being able to look up at driver who had been holding her hand. "It looks like we're stuck between the 6th and 7th floor. Those are plain marketing offices so it's likely there's no one on them" panic starting to creep its way into Y/N's voice. "Well there's no emergency button, so there's a likely chance it automatically alerts the guard or maintenance man. My phone is completely dead, could you check yours for signal?" Chase said while attempting to pry the doors open. Y/N was right, they were stuck in between floors. The doors opened slightly but revealed concrete. She tried calling the front desk and the night security guard and no calls went through. It also didn't help that the WiFi had been acting up all week. There was no way a text could go through. Chase looked at her with hope to which she returned a small sad head shake. "Looks like we'll have to wait this out." He said letting out a sigh while sitting next to Y/N. "What's your name?" "Y/N" she had to admit, she loved being a photographer for the company's social media. It allowed her to make a living by taking pictures of the drivers and Chase was definitely one of the guys she enjoyed taking pictures of. He was definitely her type and she could look at his face all day, but she forced herself to not stare at him.

   After 15 minutes they had tried everything. Banging on the doors, yelling, pushing all the buttons, anything you could think of they tried, but it was starting to look like no one was coming to their rescue. Their boredom starting to show as Chase let out another long and loud sigh after Y/N took a funny selfie of the two of them trapped. "Do you have any music downloaded on your phone? I feel like it's the silence that's driving me crazy." Y/N chuckled seeing him so desperate for entertainment. "I do, but I don't think you'll like it. All my music, including all the country songs I have, aren't downloaded. It's just the playlist I listen to when I'm at the airport." He stuck out his hand, motioning for the phone to which she obliged by handing it to him, already opened onto the Spotify app. "I don't recognize the majority of theses songs" "Well I only listen to mellow songs during flights, I think they're mostly indie pop." He handed her the phone back with soft music playing from its speakers. "You know it could be worse, we could've been stuck in here with someone who smells or is weird." He smiled trying to make light hearted conversation with the cute girl in front of him. "I don't knowww, you do kinda smell and are acting funny" Y/N joked while looking at him for a reaction. "You're such a comedian" he replied in funny sarcastic voice "Tell me more about yourself Y/N" "What do you want to know?" "Well, let's start with what's your last name, how old are you, how do you like your coffee in the morning? You know, the normal introductory questions anyone would ask." He was genuinely interested in her, she seemed like someone who he'd definitely get along with. "My last name is L/N, I'm 25, I don't drink coffee often but when I do I prefer it black with 3 sugars. Umm I enjoy going on walks, I don't know my zodiac sign and I prefer Team Penske" She answered with a sly smile. "Keep messing with me and I'll tell people that you were flirting with me in here" Chase shot back playfully. "And I'll tell people you cried when the elevator broke down" "mm touché, let's call truce" he said while holding out his hand for a handshake, which Y/N took.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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