Truth or Dare - Alex Bowman 8️⃣8️⃣

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Everybody Talks - Neon Trees🏁

It's a quiet Friday night, the morning was spent qualifying for Sunday's cup race and the afternoon was spent watching the truck series race, so a pretty busy day. Now it's late at night and you have 3, very bored, Hendrick Motorsports boys and their favorite publicist stuck in a motorhome with absolutely nothing to do. Chase, William, and Alex weren't normally rowdy, but when they've loaded up on energy drinks they tend to get a little mischievous.

   "I'm bored.bored.bored.boaarrrrreddd!!!" Chase decides to randomly yell out causing Y/N and Alex to look up from their phone and for William to stop playing with the bouncy ball he had found. "You can stop yelling, we know! You've been saying that for hours!" Y/N said tossing a throw pillow at Chase. "Let's do something, anything, please or I'll go crazy" Chase said throwing the pillow back at Y/N. "You 3 can't leave the camping grounds this late and you know it." Y/N stated looking at all 3 drivers. "We're hungover before ONE race and we get branded for life!" Chase shouted into his hands out of frustration. "AND to be fair, it WAS my 21st birthday celebration so you know we had to go hard." William chimed in while standing up and making his way to sit in the loveseat across from the sofa Alex and Y/N we're sitting on. Chase stood up from the small chair that was part of the pull out table built into the motor home and sat next to William.

"Let's play a game!" Chase said like an enthusiastic puppy. "What kind of game?" Alex answered with suspicion. "Truth or Dare, it's a classic pastime so why not!" He replied excitedly. "Yeah a classic, for 12 year olds..." William said sarcastically and resumed playing with the bouncy ball. Everyone watched the ball intensely for a couple of seconds, it hit the ceiling and bounced out of Williams hands and rolled underneath the loveseat. Silence filled the room but was soon over by William saying "okay fine let's play Truth or Dare. It's not like we have anything else to do."

   "Okay, before we begin, 2 rules: 1, nothing involving you 3 drinking and 2, nothing that can potentially get us fired. Example being a shady Instagram post. Got that boy?" Y/N said sounding stern while grabbing an empty bottle from one of the cabinets. "Sometimes I wish you weren't our publicist, you never let us have a little fun" Chase pouted like a child "Don't say that, we'd be lost with out her" Alex spoke up while locking eyes with her. Y/N knew it was wrong to have a thing for one of the guys you worked for but she couldn't help it. The blue eyed Arizona man had won her heart over from the first time they met, but neither would do anything about it. There was always an obvious lingering romantic yet sexual tension between them, and it seemed that everyone could see that except the two of them. Alex never wanted to make a move out of fear from thinking the she was out of his league or too busy to date and Y/N never made a move because she had convinced herself that Alex had thousands of beautiful girl that adored him so there was no way he'd settle for her, his publicist.

"I'll start!" Chase said grabbing the bottle and spinning it, it landed on Alex. "Alex, Truth or Dare?" Alex knew that regardless of what he picked Chase was going to give him a tough time. "Truth" "Okay, is it true that you asked Mary from the front desk to go out with you last week during Jimmie's wedding anniversary party?" It's was involuntary but Y/N couldn't help the tears forming in her eyes. This was not a great start to the game. "This is a stupid game, I'm going to my hotel." Y/N said emotionlessly getting up and quickly walking out of the motorhome and towards her car in the parking lot outside of the camping grounds. HMS always books her a hotel in ever city they go to though normally she would stay in one of the guy's motorhome but tonight she felt sick after hearing what Chase asked. Mary is a very pretty receptionist that has a know crush on Alex, so the thought of her succeeding on getting his attention was not something she wanted. Regardless if what Chase asked was true or not.

   "I did not think she would get that upset.." Chase whispered. "Why, why would you ask that" Alex said still in shock that Y/N had that type of reaction. "I thought that maybe you would man up and say that you didn't like Mary and instead confess to Y/N..." Chase whispered again. "Maybe you should go talk to her" William said equally as shocked like teammates. Without missing a beat Alex swiftly moved towards the door and sprinted towards the beautiful publicist girl speed walking out of the camping grounds. "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N please, wait up?" She stopped in her tracks, tears still falling from her eyes. It wasn't that she was overreacting to Chase's silly little game, it's just that several months of being in love with a man who you see everyday and are very close too is difficult when you can't act upon your feelings. "I feel sick, I just want to go to my hotel room.." Y/N whimpered out once Alex finally caught up. She knew he was going to ask what was wrong, there was no way she would confess to him now, especially not while crying. "Y/N, I...I..Lo..." I what? I look like an idiot, I long for tacos, I lounged on the chair??!! Finish you sentence sir! All these questions rushing through Y/N's head immediately after the young driver stopped mid sentence. "Why do you feel sick?" Alex said after finally thinking for a second. "I have a headache and a stomach ache." Y/N lied still not looking up to see Alex's face, she knew he would catch her fib if he saw her teary eyes. "Then let me take you to your hotel room." Alex said while searching for any type of expression but Y/N kept her head low. "No, I'm very tired, I just want to be alone for a bit, besides you're not allowed off the camp grounds at this hour." There was silence for a few seconds. "Y/N, you're not a very good liar and we need to talk like two grown adults. Now, let's go to my motorhome so we can have a private conversation and it you're still feeling sick afterwards than you can go to your hotel room." The sternness of his voice was completely foreign to Y/N. Alex was a very calm relaxed guy so the almost strict angry tone he had in the moment made her realize that she had no other choice but to follow the 88 driver to his motorhome. While wiping her eyes dry she followed closely behind him. It was a short walk considering they had only gone a few feet from Chase's motorhome which was 3 spots away from Alex's.

As soon as they walked in Alex didn't bother switch on the lights. The curtain was drawn and there was a dim lamp already lit in the corner. He sat on his own sofa and motioned for her to sit next to him. She did as instructed without saying a word. "Y/N ask me, ask me Truth or Dare." He said in a hushed voice. "I thought this was supposed to be an adult conversation." She mumbled still not making eye contact with Alex. "Just ask the damn question" Alex said determined to use this opportunity to finally do something about his feelings for Y/N. "Alex Truth or Dare..." Y/N asked cautiously "Truth, now ask me what Chase asked." "Look Alex, I really don't want to play this little game, I'm tired and I want to go and be alone in my hotel room!" Y/N rose her voice slightly while standing up ready to leave the young drivers motorhome. Alex immediately grabbed her arm, not hard enough to hurt her but enough to say without words that she needed to stay. "Alex, is it true you....asked Mary out?....." it pained to even get the sentence out. "No it's not true." This brought Y/N to finally make eye contact with Alex. "It's not true because for God knows how long I've been in love with my publicist, but I never did anything because I was scared that she would never want someone like me." Alex looked like a weight was lifted off his shoulders and his face was full of relief. Y/N didn't speak and didn't have any physical reaction to what Alex had just said. Instead every single instinct knew that she needed to lock lips with the man in front of her immediately. "Alex I...Jesus Christ kiss me or so God help me!" Y/N said almost breathlessly in a quiet tone. All the tension surrounding them was finally dissolving, melting into the passionate kiss which after a few seconds quickly turned rougher and lustful.

The two Hendrick drivers that were left behind in Chase's motorhome knew after several minutes that they shouldn't wait up for the two that had left. They knew very well that the following day was going to a very busy day for everyone again, except for the fact that everybody talks and boy oh boy we're they going to talk tomorrow.

"It started with a whisper
And that was when I kissed her
And then she made my lips hurt
I could hear the chit chat"

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