T-Shirt - Ryan Blaney 1️⃣2️⃣

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Japanese Denim - Daniel Caesar🏁

Love and life both have a way of making the little things..intimate. The way his lips feel on my jaw when he kisses me, his natural scent that travels from my nostrils and fills my head sending me into an enlightened daze. It's the feeling of his stubble when he whispers sweet nothings into my ear when we're out in public.

   Ryan Michael Blaney, the love of my life.

  Of course I do my best to travel with him to as many tracks as I possibly could but for the past few weeks I haven't been able to see him. My job is very demanding, it's seems like every time he's in town I'm out and vice versa. So now I have this aching pain in my chest from being away from him. It's seems irrational to have a physical pain from being away from someone; but he's my other half.

   I had just gotten home from a business trip which had just been cut short and all I needed was to be held in his strong arms, but sadly he's halfway across the country in Fontana, California. 2,417 miles away. The house was quiet, with the exception of Sturgills occasional shifting. So with that I stepped into a slight warm shower, the feeling of lonesomeness lingering about me as I lathered myself in his body wash. Though to a stranger this would seem eerily unusual, but they don't know his scent helped aid my somber mood.

"I miss my boyfriend." Was all I managed to say to my friend before our phone call was interrupted by the security system alerting that the front door had just been opened. I was in nothing but my undergarments and one of Ryan's white T-shirts. To my slight shock the words slipped by as I ended the phone call, excitement starting to rise as I got out of bed,"I'll call you back." The thought of an intruder was out of the question as the alarm would've went off, no, whoever walked in was keyholder and there are only two people who own keys to this house.

"Ryan!" I exclaimed as I rushed down the stairs towards the man standing at the bottom of them, a duffel bag in one hand and smile on his face. "Y/N!" He returned as I practically jumped into his arms. My head immediately nuzzled my head into his neck. His scent rushing to my head almost made me want to cry. I really did miss him. "I missed you so much! God you don't know how much I did." He said in a breathless manner. I was almost scared to let go of the hug in fear that he might leave but I needed to see his face. "I missed you too"

   Every time Ryan kisses me in a loving manner, it always feels like the first time. There's a feeling of fragility, like if either one of us pressed hard enough we'd break. His lips are soft and delicate, brushing against mine in sync. Always long enough to where I can inhale his breath, feel the warmth of his lips and make me want to crave more. "I love you" "I love you too"

   The tender moments had passed as I helped him upstairs. By the look of it he was tired out and knowing him well, he just wanted to get in bed. "Is that my shirt?" He asked in amusement. "Maybe" I responded while getting back under the sheets after placing his bag down when we reached the bedroom. "You look good in it, you should wear my clothes more often." I knew he was joking but the idea of it wasn't half bad. His clothes were very comfortable and brought a calming feeling. "Maybe I should, I think I'd look better in them than you do" I said trying to get a rise from the man standing in the doorway of the closet. "As if, you could never pull off my Jeans" he said now sitting on the edge of the bed. "Oh I can pull off your jeans alright" I said in a suggestive tone, while biting my lip, grabbing his belt buckle to pull him as close as possible, and placing a small peck on his lips. He was no longer looking at my eye, instead a look of hunger stared at my lips wanting more. But instead as I sensed his slow movement towards me I immediately got up and walked into the closet to grab his denim jeans. Teasing him was what I lived for. A look of playful betrayal was on his face as I turned back to him.

   I was pretending to measure the jeans up to my waist I'm front of the mirror, all while ignoring Ryan's facial expressions. I knew I'd laugh if I saw. "Yup, these would definitely look waaayyy better on me! All they need is a good belt and they'll fit like high waisted baggy jeans. Totally in right now!" I said pretending to be oblivious of the fact that the Jean were definitely too big and too long. "Put those up and come here." Ryan said quietly while laughing at my idiocy.

   I sat on his lap smiling. Looking into his eyes. This man held my heart on strings like a puppet. Making it dance with every glance he sent my way. If there's one thing being away from him taught me, it's that I can't live without him. "I think that maybe it's time I look for a new job" After thinking it over for the past few day, being reunited with Ryan really solidified my thoughts, I was unhappy with my job. "Why's that honey?" He asked in a concerning way. "Because I don't like it. And because I'm always always away from you." "Well in that case, if you're unhappy then you should quit, but don't quit because of me." Ryan is always cautious of the way I feel, it's one of the things I love about him. He's a generous man. There wasn't a time where I'd known him to be selfish or inconsiderate.

   So with that topic not resuming, we decided to turn a random movie on and laid down. My head resting on his chest as he drew circles on my back. Neither of us interested in the movie but happy to be in each other's presence. There was a cloud of peacefulness over us. Like the world was a safe place and no one could ever hurt us or separate us. The Simple little detail of the way his chest raised and then fell lulled me into a trance like state. Never had I ever wanted an eternity with someone like I did with him. The love I felt for him was like a home, a home my soul never wanted to leave, and when it did, it longed to return to. 

  And however much poetic I could make how I felt for Ryan Blaney, even the simplest of things like the quality of his denim jeans, the soothing scent of his, or the feel of his stubble all made the right sense for me to fall deeper and deeper in love with Ryan.

"But I ponder you
I'm bending it over
You're my four leaf clover
I'm so in love, so in love
There's no one above up above
Forever's a long time, yes
My blue jeans"

Oops, sorry for not posting in forever!

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