9.2 | Mysterious Punishments

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//mysterious punishments, part 02// 

My lessons revolved around learning how to read and write Eternity's script. Her history and decrees had been placed on a back burner. By now, I had made some good progress. I had a fully translated alphabet to reference. And I practiced reading and writing as often as I could.

My quest for the truth about the royal family, unfortunately, had been put on pause. I tried to ask Prince Rune, but he only offered reassurances that there was nothing to worry about. Kit reiterated that I respect the Prince's decision. And Eika empathized but provided no further answers.

Jack gave the least useful response: "Why should I care what those asshats went through?" Topped only by, "They probably deserved it."

Left on my own, with absolutely no one willing to budge, I decided to put my quest on hold. It remained at the top of my priority list though. While the threats the Sprites had given loomed, they had granted me time. During that time, I would focus on my significant other and his family.

Especially if they were unjustly punished.

After several days of studying and not much else, my body and brain had grown restless. I longed to stretch my legs, get out of the castle. I spent hours in the gardens, feeding the herd of tsulin, strolling beneath the mushroom-cap trees. But my heart and my head wanted something more. Something beyond the castle, that now only reminded me that the King and the Prince had a mysterious punishment over their heads.

The sky blazed with gold and silver. The horizon glowed like a pastel fog. It brought me back to coasting miles above the ground, astride a magnificent glass figurine. Remnants of that peace and joy danced through my blood vessels.

Gaia. The escape that I had been looking for. Plus, I could visit Nissa again. Seeing them had the added benefit of possibly improving relations as well. Three birds with one stone.

"I'm going to visit Gaia," I announced during the third meal.

Prince Rune watched me, worry crossing his face for a second. But he gave an infinitesimal nod and went back to pulling at the leaves on his plate.

"Oh, that's a wonderful idea," said the King, clapping.

I glanced pointedly at the Prince. "I'll be sure to bring Jack along."

"Splendid! Will you be joining her, my son?"

"No. I trust her.

My heart swelled—then deflated. To think he suffered needlessly, punished for something that wasn't his fault—it hurt. He deserved so much better.


"You ridin' there?" Jack busied himself with his holsters and the weapons stuffed inside.

I eyed the tsulin, nibbling grass while their tails whipped and ears twitched. As much as I liked the creatures, I did not care for their breakneck speeds. "I'd rather not."

The ridge above his eye curved. "How you gettin' there then?"

"Your way?"

He scoffed. "Alright. But hold on tight. I don't wanna be responsible for your cracked spine – and His Royal Splinter's rage."

Fascination captured me as he rummaged through his sling bag. It shouldn't have surprised me that he grabbed yet another gun. It was huge, with a ballooned barrel. He positioned it in his arms, the butt nocked in the crock of his elbow. He jerked his head and instructed me to hold onto him as tight as I could.

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