chapter 10

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It was 01:00am and Nathalie woke up panting and she held her hand to her heart, gasping for air, Gabriel saw her panting so he gently massaged her left shoulder with his left hand, once Nathalie's breathing was stable, tears started pouring out of her eyes and they were rolling down her cheeks.

Gabriel wrapped his arm around Nathalie, while she sobbed into the crook of Gabriel's neck, "it's ok, I know your stomach is swollen and that it's extremely painful Nathalie, but you'll be ok" Gabriel soothingly spoke to her.

Nathalie stopped crying and Gabriel went to get her medicine, once Gabriel returned with Nathalie's medicine and a glass of water he gave them to Nathalie and once Nathalie had finished taking her medicine, Gabriel got into bed with her and Nathalie fell asleep with her head resting on Gabriel's chest, Gabriel said "I love you", while she was still sleeping and Gabriel soon drifted off to sleep is well.

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