The King's Favour

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A month had passed since the Chaldean's arrival in Uruk. It had been a gruelling month of hard labour and strenuous administrative work in some cases.

After Ishtar had awoken in the Eanna temple, she left for mount Ebih without incident. The presence of four Gilgameshes confused the locals, however they showed the kings the respect they deserved, even referring to them by different titles. The head priestess of the Eanna temple referred to the four as: Mighty King, Wise King, Beautiful King and Hopeful King respectively.

The three Gilgameshes from Chaldea would not allow their caster counterpart to look down on the masters, especially given the modicum of respect that they had developed for the others. Arcueid was mostly deployed to the wall for her power, she helped Leonidas fight off demonic beasts and train the army. Sakura, Gudao and Gudako went through a rotation of diplomatic and agricultural work with occasional trips to the wall for training.

Y/n was also on rotation between the wall and agricultural work, the presence of Cronus manifesting within Y/n made the crops grow better than ever, Caster Gilgamesh took advantage of that fact and made sure his people were eating well. Y/n didn't mind the work since working on a farm was surprisingly peaceful. He mostly did his work with Ana and Femerlin, though Femerlin mostly sat on the sidelines to cheer her master and Ana on.

Finally, they received a summons to the king's throne room. Y/n, Arcueid, Sakura, Mash, Gudako, Gudao and the other servants all gathered in front of the king as he smirked down at them.

Mash: "You called for us, King Gilgamesh?"

CasGil: "Indeed, Chaldeans. You've made quite a name for yourselves amongst the chatter of Uruk."

Gudako: "Hell yeah!"

Gudao: "I imagine most of the talk is about how my sister keeps drooling over the amount of shirtless men there are here."

CasGil: "Well, I will not confirm or deny that."

FemGil: "It's certainly one of the many topics."

Gilgamesh: "Fuhaha! Gudako has been described many times as something akin to an Udug or Utukku!"

Gudako: "No idea what any of those are."

Arcueid: "They're like Sumerian imps or gremlins."

Gudako: "HUH!?"

Y/n and Sakura just barely held in their laughter before Ninsun walked into the room.

Ninsun: "Ah, you're all here. Y/n, where is mother?"

Y/n: "Tiamat's still asleep. I thought it'd be rude to wake her up when she was sleeping so soundly."

Ninsun: "Probably a good idea, from what I remember Marduk telling me, mother gets rather cranky in the mornings."

CasGil: "An unimportant detail, mother. For now, I have a direct order for you, Chaldeans."

Mash grew a beaming smile as Gilgamesh smirked down at them.

CasGil: "Recently we lost contact with the city of Ur to the south-west. Your orders are simple, Chaldeans. Go to Ur and discover the fate of the people living there. When you have ascertained their current position, then report your findings to me. Go now! This is an order from your king, mongrels- GH!"

Caster rubbed the back of his head as Ninsun held a stone-embedded shoe in her hand.

Ninsun: "What have I told you about the mongrel comment, Gilgamesh?"

Y/n: "Oh fuck, La Pinche Chancla!"

FemGil: "So I'm not bored, I will be accompanying you all. Though we have a need for a few servants to remain in Uruk to fight with the generals."

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