Ocean's Edge [Pt.8]

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After being awkwardly interrupted by Yoongi, you and Tae fix yourselves up and head to the game room where everyone was at. Some were playing pool. Others were playing cards. You and Taehyung decided to play Xbox. After a few hours in there, all of you head to the Karaoke Room to sing.

Four hours of fun and getting to know each other personally. The boys went off to the bungalow. You and your parents head to the mainstay. You went to your main suite and took a shower. When you went to your bed, your phone rang. You glanced at the lock screen to see who it was. Taehyung's pic showed with the name “Winter Bear.”

Tae: Hey baby, letting you know all the guys are asleep. I'm heading to the pool to meet you.

You: I'll be there in five minutes, my love.

You and Tae ended the call. Shortly after, you went to meet Taehyung poolside. Your feet couldn't move fast enough. You carved to be with him. Taehyung waited anxiously by the poolside, looking at his flawless reflection in the shimmering water.
He couldn't believe both of you would be spending private time together. It beats people always ruining the moment.

The childhood memories playback on repeat. All the fun times and the time they snatched you from him when he was sleeping. “That is why our connection is so strong.” He tells himself. “I'm truly in love with her. I hope she gets over the fact of her career change when she moves back to Korea. At least we will be together. There will be a reward for her sacrifice. Our relationship will flourish because of it.

On your way to meet Taehyung, your thoughts cram in all of today's events. Is your mind playing tricks on you, or is Kim Taehyung your man? It's just too good to be true. Someone pinch me, so I know I'm not dreaming. Now moving to Korea has a different meaning, but still, you don't want to be part of the family business. You still hate that everything was set up and in magazines before you found out the truth from your father.

This happened a month before you met Taehyung. It's still fresh on your mind, and you are not happy with what your father did to get you to become CEO of the branch in Korea. Your four older brothers are scattered worldwide, caring for the different branches as CEOs. But for being with Taehyung, you will bite the bullet and stay longer than you initially planned behind your father's back. You didn't want that spot at all.

You reached the poolside and saw Taehyung looking in the pool. All your thoughts dissipate as you softly smile at him. You quietly made your way to him and gave him a back hug. Taehyung lightly rubbed your hands with his fingers. “So, where are you taking me for our private time, baby?”
Your smile grew on his back, “It's a secret, come follow me.”

You let go of his back and intertwined your fingers with his. Both of you head down a pathway that you or your father hadn't taken him down before. “Where are you taking me, baby? I don't remember ever coming this way.” He spoke in amazement at the lush tropical setting.

You turn to him and smile, “It was a secret place my dad made for me, so my brothers don't bother me. We are here, babe.” When he looked in front of him, the most beautiful treehouse he saw. Between four big cedar trees, a luxurious treehouse. “WOW! This is gorgeous Strawberry.”

“Yes, this is my piece of heaven on my parent's estates. I come here to relax and reflect, sometimes to enjoy nature at its finest. There are many beautiful things in this treehouse, but there is one that I love, and I want to share this special place with you.” He nodded in agreement, and both of you walked onto the bridge that led to the main entryway of the treehouse.

Taehyung enjoyed the little tour of this tranquil yet extravagant treehouse. You took him to every square inch of that treehouse both in and out. He liked that you could stand upright in the treehouse without crouching or contorting your body. It had all the luxuries of a regular home. Spacious with a lot of glass pane windows so ample sunlight and moonlight can invade the space.

You grabbed his hand and led him up this spiral staircase. At the top of the stairway, there was a double door. “Tae bear, you can open the doors now.” You smiled at him as he turned the knob.

” You smiled at him as he turned the knob

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Part 9 coming soon!!!

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