- Deceptive -

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Karl is trapped, alone within his internal reflections, he knowingly enters the Burn Strategy!

The profiler worked undercover to delve into the international cell. The sociopath was the master of his own deceptive seclusion. When he was inside the cell he had used every personality shift to his own advantage. 

Buried in his mind were horrible visions and extreme hatred towards anyone outside of the circle! 

Karl's frustrations, pride and revenge were central to his aggressive stance. The contrived scenarios he presented were merely a revenge tactic and a secondary escape strategy. He indulged Interpol as they might interfere with his agenda!

As they conferred the profiler entered Birmingham's underworld to get at the heart of the circle.

He was targeting the commanders when he approached the Birmingham underlings. The profiler presented stacked information under the guise of a Met informant. They snapped at the bait and brought him to their organiser. Face to face he dropped Alex's name and the names of frustrated criminals who had collaborated with the MET's surveillance network.   

During the cell interviews, the sociopath had deliberately manipulated the situation. He provided the names and the criminal habits of those outside off his own circle. His mind was still inside the circle. The profiler used him to build an immediate understanding of the organiser.    

After sizing up the organiser he started to gain traction and credibility. At the opportune moment he threw Karl's name into the mix. Like clockwork the burn strategy was activated!

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