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Tracing the money source finalised the financial corridor!

Stefan was the opportunist. Under questioning he admitted being paid by the official through payment by pain. The network had trafficked him into the UK under threat of pain on his own family. Stefan was manipulated and cognitively raped to extract banking information.

Police brutality had transferred him from the network into the domination core. Upon entry he was stripped and brutalised by the official. His pain game started!

The jury heard Stefan describe the first attack by Karl; "His frustration or aggression hit me from behind. He wanted theatre and he got solitary confinement." Karl's release resulted in three more attacks which climaxed with Eric's death. 

Stefan explained being swiped and penetrated by the executive. Under duress he witnessed the beating. The entourage included the official the executive, BM and Karl's father. 

His account was the prosecutions levelling act. The court was afforded Stefan's entire financial payments after he existed the domination core! 

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