- Massaging -

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Cell formations relied on trafficking through the Spanish Costas into mainland UK!

Interpol set about implementing a three pronged attack. The profiler will massage the bruised Birmingham egos and Karl's ego will be beautified at prison interviews. 

The Guardia Civil will use decoy cocaine models and stab the official via his own signature. He was a UK immigration control officer. Tactical legalities required reconnecting with the NCA. Their involvement will assist in massaging their criminal system and prosecuting the official for people trafficking.   

Furthermore it was essential they were aware of the third prong, which translated as a sting operation on Specsavers! 

Protracted discussions focused on the fugitives legal status. As victims their testimonies were central to an investigation surrounding, abductions, butchery and murder in Marbella. The NCA were hurting because they knew the filter was personally responsible for falsifying their charge sheets. He had also wiped the drivers sexual offences, thus any affiliation with Phil's private studio. 

The leader of the taxi service had served prison time with BM. His sterile apartment bore evidence of a sociopathic ex-con,  whose criminal integrity had chiselled into every aspect of the organisers formation cells.

Adhering to protocol the NCA declared his case history. He was an habitual drug user and prone to manic sexual aggression against male underlings. Ultimately the leader and the drivers were the circles collateral damage!

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