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The outstanding charges relating to trafficking and connection with a criminal enterprise lacked trial evidence! 

On trial day four the official received the verdict. Due consideration was granted by the judge for insufficient evidence. He took account of the jury's perception of the law and their integrity. 

He was sentenced to 23 years in Broadmoor maximum-security prison. Owing to his previous governmental position and crimes against minors a minimum term of 5 years will be spent in an isolation cell.

Aiding the operation of an illegal detention centre carried 20 years, with no chance of parole. Charges of abuse, sexual depravity, manipulation and coercion of minors will run concurrently. The judge separated the charges of falsifying interdepartmental documentation for which he received 3 years. Therefore, the official will be 74 when he is transferred into a regular prison! 

Maximum security prison implied a severe cognitive reprisal.

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