- Picasso -

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Operation "Picasso" saw Interpol place a surveillance unit in Marbella. Their target was Phil's trafficking network!

In addition the operation sought to stab at the circles financial lungs. Their criminal assets were associated with property developments directed by the firms executives.

Utilising their muted source Interpol tracked down the circles luxury residences. Seasoned experts positioned cameras on high-rise buildings to record everyone entering, including that one executive. The majority were sleek attractive young males. The Romanians had experienced these residences and described them as sexual exhibition villas. 

Their statements reported that males were taunted with cash or in some cases flaunted as decorative, cocaine models. Perfect models auditioned at Phil's private studio. 

Surveillance traced vehicle registration plates. Drivers captured on camera were traced via their criminal database. They had previous UK convictions for assault with intent. Their airport taxi service was a network cell!

Monitoring the arrogant activities behind this service exposed the drivers exchanging packages and transferring lone males, from boot to boot. 

Interpol sanctioned arrest warrants for the drivers. Airport cars were seized whilst an armed unit arrested drivers at a private gym complex. Their homes were raided and those present were also arrested. Seizures inside the gym included numerous packages, plus the discovery of UK fugitives and male victims, bound and gagged. 

Interpol photographed and itemised evidence in the complex before closing the entire building. The victims were brought to a medical facility to undergo urgent physical health examinations and medical observation. They received 24hr armed protection during the process. 

Nobody suspected that the packages contained a variety of vacuum sealed, dismembered body parts. Each package was stamped and tagged as DHL delivered parcels. The drivers ignorance to the actual content was deemed irrelevant. 

Interpol had gathered significant evidence to charge all drivers as people traffickers! 

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