Part 2

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OMG!! You guys are finishing the target within a day so I thought of giving updates once you guys complete the target so I guess this story will end soon too 🙃😂😉

Forgive me guys if anything is illogical. Just go with the flow

Let's Begin...

It was night time and Sai finally managed time to speak with Virat, hoping he would also talk with her as usual. Sai was waiting for him in the room after changing. Just then Virat too came.

S- Virat sir

He went straight to the restroom picking his outfit. Sai was hurt but she was also happy in another corner so she forgot about his ignorance and was waiting for him. He came and sat on his side of bed.

S- virat sir, did you have your dinner?

V- you don't need to think about me.

S- Virat sir, then ok. Let's eat dinner later but I want to talk to you

V- sai can you do me a help

S- yes Virat sir (excitedly)

V- just stop disturbing me, I have to sleep.

She was so hurt. She stood up and went out the room.

Sai's POV

What happened Virat sir? Why are you behaving the same with me. Tears were flowing from my eyes. I touched my neck and smiled a bit but it gets vanished thinking of Virat's ignorance. I wiped my tears and went to sleep not before checking whether did he have the dinner and medicines.

POV ended

Few days or we can tell weeks passed, in these few days Sai was given a soft place in some of the Chavans. Virat and some other Chavans were confused but didn't bother about it till one day.

One day when Sai could find some pains on her stomach (guys forgive me I don't know any symptoms) and she noted that it was a long time since she had her menstruation. She had to go out and bring pregnancy test kit and then she went straight to the restroom. After few minutes she came out and she was having tears in her eyes which are happy ones.

S- am Pregnant. Am pregnant. Yeah... Once Virat sir knows this he will surely forgive me. This time let it be if he ignore me too I will tell him first. First let me consult a doctor and confirm this.

She made an appointment to the doctor. Till she have to consult the doctor she was having some moments with their unborn baby. She had a small headache and so she asked to make her something to eat. She couldn't sense any smell/taste but she ate them. Soon time passed so she took her phone, wallet and bag. She left to Chavan Nivas telling she has some works outside. Some didn't bother while some did. She reached Hospital. After few minutes she went inside the doctor's cabin. Sai was super excited and also a bit scared. The girl who doesn't fears for anything fears for her child. Sai had to wait for few minutes. They results are out and Dr. Sharma called Sai.

Dr- so Mrs. Virat Chavan. Congratulations you are a mother now.

Sai was happy. She jumped in happiness while Dr. Sharma continued.

Dr- sit down miss. You are a mother now. It's been a month. There is nothing to worry on that since some people find it in weeks too. So in the next upcoming months, you have to take care of you and you child. I will prescribe some medicines have them on time.

S- ok doctor

Dr- you have to have only food which are good for the baby.

S- ok doctor

Dr- also don't strain yourself. If you can feel any changes come to me for a check up. Your next check up is in next month. Before that if you can feel any changes don't ignore it.

S- ok doctor

She took the report and the prescription. She left from there and made the way to Chavan Nivas not before buying sweets.

So that's for today's chapter.

Fill my notifications with your comments and votes.

Adjust with the Chapter since am not having time to check it again and hope the chapter reaches your expectations.

Votes- 40

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