Part 7

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Am so so Sorry for late updates. I really don't know what's happening to me. I was busy but even if I get time I don't do anything. I just keep pillow on my face. I will try my best to update ASAP.

You will get updates of other stories too, very soon.

Forgive me guys if anything is illogical, just go with the flow.

As I was late, I will give a long updates today. Happy?

Also I have thought of finishing this story soon

So let's Begin..


Five days passed, but Virat couldn't Pacify Sai neither she didn't leave him a chance to take care of her although he was noticing every single step of his wife. Virat has a check every night whether did she have her medicines and is the medicine out of stock. Also Virat sits right infront of Sai when she has her meals to check every single thing. He checks her reports to see when do she have the next appointment and all. In these few days he became a very responsible husband. He didn't have often conversations with Chavans but if someone like Mohit, Shivani, Samrat, Ashwini or Ninad, they text him to check about his whereabouts and he notify them because he doesn't want them to worry about him.

Virat's POV

I don't want Sai to stress herself nor she don't have to miss her lectures so I had to go to the college and asked them whether can they give online lectures to Sai. They didn't agree first at all but afterwards they do agree. Then Sai continued her studies and I do Joined duty and work half day. I know she won't notify me anything and yet if I feel like her health condition changes I do immediately took her to doctor.

Note - just to tell guys, because Sai's age is a bit early for pregnancy sometimes there might be problems because one of my known person's ear is not that normal as others have because of that same issue. Also I just wanted it to add it here.

I know she won't pacify this early also I didn't and won't leave my hope so soon. She doesn't even talks with me. All she repeats is Virat sir, leave me alone. We don't have any relationship. I don't want your temporary care. Please don't disturb me Mr. Virat Chavan.

Of course this hurts me alot and I know that too I have also hurt her alot.

POV ended

The days for Sai's next appointment with the Doctor Aditi is near.

(Doctor Sharma is now Doctor Aditi so please note that)

As the doctor said Sai takes the meals which are good for the baby and she doesn't stress herself.

Sai's POV

Uff.. Today's lectures was so boring. Anyhow I was having track with the studies while I didn't even miss to take care of my baby. Because I know that at last I will have only my baby because I know whatever the care I am getting now is temporary. My expectations have broke alots of time and I don't even want to dream having a family. If I am not pregnant then Virat sir wouldn't even forgive me so Sai whatever the care you are getting us always temporary and for them don't lose the one and only relationship you have in this life.

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