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"This is the place?" I nod. "Yes. There was a report stating the people here need help. It also seemed like the perfect opportunity to take all of you out. This is the main world that can allow you to witness firsthand why the punishment of lopping off heads is forbidden."

I look at them. Since I brought Ailill's sons out a while back, I have been thinking about wanting to come out with the others. Today, most of the family is here.

Minou, Rune, Tatsuo, and Ash. I worried about bringing Rune out, but Eero convinced me, Rune is a bit older now and wants to go out when all of the others do. I left Nyx at home, she is still too young to come out. Though, Roya did say he would bring her to the Land of Dreams to teach her while we are gone.

Flynn, Hansel, and Kit came out for the first time since Kit joined the family. Hansel too I guess, he has been training in Fairie most of the time.

Jack, Henry, Ella, the Elves, and even Chio came as well. Geppetto passed in his world just a couple years ago. Now, Chio is becoming accustomed to both Fairie, and learning about himself. Before he came to live with us he was not taught much about that side of himself. I had to tell him things like the fact that because of his origins, he is not actually male nor female, as humans say. Geppetto carved himself a son, but as a block of wood imbued with magic, he can technically be either. Once he gets the hang of his magic, he can even change himself slightly to look more like one or the other, similar to Loki.

Aurum, Orion, Peter, and Cole are the last of the ones who came. The others that could not make it, were either too busy, or not allowed to leave Fairie.

There are screams in the direction of the town. "Seems the problem is not exactly what I imagined. Come on." I lead the way towards the town of Sleepy Hollow. It is a fairly small town, not many people, but it happens to be the gathering spot of a multitude of Ghosts and Spirits and the like.

It is good for them to have a focused home they can go to when not out and about. "It is him! Run!" I watch as the townspeople run into their houses. "Hmm. It must be him." There is a tap on my shoulder. "Must be who?"

Peter is tilting his head, I can see that the others are all curious as well. "Ah, Jack the Head of Ghosts. He is not the only head of them, but he is sort of like Peter. Pan, I mean. He lets us know when something goes wrong with any of the ghosts, the headless ones in particular."

I look up and see a black horse galloping towards us.

"Quickly run! The Dullahan is going to kill you!" From the safety of one of the houses, I notice a young woman has opened her window to give this warning.

"Thank you, but he cannot and will not hurt me." She nods. "If you say so. I will pray that your souls find rest." She quickly shuts the window again. I smile. "Interesting young lady." I shake my head.

The horse draws nearer and I wait. Finally, it comes to an abrupt stop in front of me. The headless body seems confused and pats the horses neck. I reach out to pet its head before tapping the man on the leg.

He stills and reaches his hand, searching. I let him grab my hand and feel. Once he has finished, he climbs off the horse a bit unsteady and bows.

"Jack, where is your head?" I shake my head and look around. "Can one of you grab a pumpkin from over there?" I point to a field nearby. Ella runs over and carries it back to me. "Is this one alright?" I smile. "Perfect. Thank you dear."

I take it from her and pat Jack on the shoulder. He stands and I set the pumpkin where his head should go. Until we find his true head, this will make it a bit more convenient to speak with him. I wave my hand. "In place of a head sits the pumpkin. Eyes to see, mouth to speak, ears to hear. Let it be."

Fairie: Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now