Chapter 2

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   Cedarkit made it to the medicine den, checking up on her father, "Sheepberry? How is-" She was cut off when she saw Sheepberry crying by Pricklenose's limp body, "Sheepberry!" She ran over to her, "What happened? My father... He's..." Sheepberry looked at Cedarkit, "I'm sorry, it was his time to go to Starclan... I don't know who will take care of you now..."

    Cedarkit looked shocked, "It's okay Sheepberry, I understand!" She lied. She didn't understand why Starclan was doing this, but she knew it was for something. Starclan always had a plan, she knew that. "Cedarkit... Do you want to see Pricklenose be buried?" Sheepberry said sadly, "Yes, that would be nice." Cedarkit said. Just then their leader called, "Let all cats old enough to swim gather to hear my words!"

   Sheepberry jumped a bit, but said, "Stay here, okay?" Cedarkit nodded as she ran off, Cedarkit listened from the medicine den, "We have lost two valuable clan members, Lynxfur and Pricklenose, who have left their kit, Cedarkit, alone." The leader said, "She will become an apprentice in 3 moons, but for now, if anyone could volunteer to take care of her, it would be helpful. Anyone who volunteers, step forward." Eventually, Ryefoot, a golden, strong-looking she-cat with warm amber eyes, stepped forward, Cedarkit's eyes widened. 

   "Ryefoot, since you would fit the job well and are the only one that volunteered, you will be Cedarkit's new mother." The leader smiled a bit,  "Meeting dismissed," They said, Cedarkit see's Sheepberry and Ryefoot walk over to the medicine den. She stood as nice as possible, she realized her father's body was gone. Someone must have carried it out while she was focused on the meeting, "Cedarkit, you heard didn't you?" Sheepberry smiled, "Yes, Ryefoot, thank you!" Cedarkit mewed, running over to Ryefoot and nuzzling her.

republished only so a friend could read it sobDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora