Chapter 1

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A/n: ignore the ship tags, its just to get more reads, there is no ships in this because i find that weird in a story like this. Now onto the story, please vote and comment

When Roman was singing to 'wake him up when it's all over', he absolutely did not mean when humanity was over. Sure, he knew that he'd be cursed to an enchanted sleep, but he hadn't expected to actually sleep the full ten thousand years!

Sure, he was aromantic, but his parents had told him that he was too young to know, and that his true love would find him in no time. He didn't expect to wake up to his palace practically crumbling around him, and when he walked outside, it became apparent that no humans had been in the area for quite some time, it looked almost completely untouched, baring the unusually large trail reminiscent of snake tracks. He shuddered, starting to look around some more, to see if he could find any traces of other people.

He started shouting after maybe 3 hours of fruitless searching

"HELLO? PLEASE? I need to know that I'm not alone.." His voice cracked slightly, and he hugged himself. He started to loathe his parents

It was their fault that he was cursed at such a young age, they were the ones who were rude to people of lower status every day until when they inevitably said the wrong thing to the wrong person, the witch took it out on their newborn son. They were the ones who accepted his fate for him, didn't even look for an alternative. He wondered if they mourned when he didn't wake up in their lifetime, he wondered if they got people to look after him when they couldn't, he wondered when they stopped looking after him. He wondered what his friends had thought when he had fallen down in the middle of conversation and not woken up, he wondered if they mourned. He had never told them of his curse.

He sat down, wiping his eyes on his jacket, uncaring that it was a very expensive brand. That didn't matter if he was the last human in a post-apocalyptic world. The trees were higher in the sky than he had ever seen them, thicker than he had ever seen them, even. He looked for a way out of the woods, and a few hours later, he found a large clearing, perhaps half a mile across, both lengthways and otherwise. It was covered in large rocks, some sticks and logs, and a small deep hole in the ground.

He noticed the tail all too late. It blended in beautifully, it was the same shade of dark grey as the rock it was hidden under, with yellow spots that matched the grass and leaves. He froze when it had started moving towards him, wrapping around him, not entirely painfully, but not exactly comfortably either. He started squirming in the grip, hearing the low hissing that surrounded him. A giant snake. Just wonderful.

He was brought to the head of the giant snake, except that's not what it was. It looked somewhat like a snake, slitted pupils and all, scales all the way up it, but its face was shaped more like a face than a snake's head, though there wasn't really a nose there, nor was there hair, or other human-like attributes. Its mouth was slightly more human-like than snake-like, with both incredibly sharp teeth (that probably had venom in them and oh god he was gonna die) and blunt ones.

He carried on squirming, until the coils tightened around him, restricting his movement. He was brought closer to its face and he tried to lean away, even trying to lean down to bite the coils wrapped around his torso, but nothing worked. The snake thing squinted at him through reptilian eyes that closed the wrong way, before its eyes widened considerably. It started hissing repetitively, almost like speech, before transferring him from the coils of its tail to arms that he had only just noticed. The arms were like whole separate snakes of their own, with hands that were more like lizard feet than anything else. He shuddered, trying to squirm out of the grip, but the giant creature just looked down at him and started slithering somewhere else.

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