Chapter 8

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Janus wouldn't admit it, but this new arrangement, despite being his own suggestion, did make him nervous. What if Pixie found a weak spot in the magic and ran away? What if it got too close to one of them without them noticing and got hurt? He took a deep breath

Everything was fine. Pixie was still oh-so-comfortable around them, and absolutely was not nervous at all. He rolled his eyes at his thoughts, and carried on watching the human run around. It came to his attention that they hadn't gotten it any toys or things to keep it occupied without it sitting around all day and trying to get out. That would probably help keep it entertained and away from predators.

It seemed to really like running around, and only stopped with that to try climb a large rock, which was about half Janus' size. That certainly helped figure out what to get and make for the human. So Pixie enjoyed climbing, that was interesting. It explained how it got out of the circle at least.

Janus kept a watchful eye on the human, casting a spell on the ground around the rock to make it softer and minimize injuries if Pixie was to fall. Of course, he would rather if Pixie simply didn't fall at all, but it seemed to really want to climb, and keeping it happy was just as important as keeping it safe. His breath hitched as it lost footing for a moment, before he let out a sigh of relief as it carried on climbing.

It got to the top and sat down, looking up at him. Janus crouched down and smiled at it

"Great job, Pixie! You're great at climbing, aren't you? You got up with no help!" He smiled and pet its head slightly. It stared up at him for a while, making its little noises and gesturing with its little tiny arms. He hissed at it contentedly, resting his head on his hands and staring up at it. It was walking with so much confidence and what seemed like importance that it almost seemed like a tiny king. No, it was too young to be a king, a tiny prince. Little Prince Pixie..

He laughed quietly, still aware of the others talking a little behind him, and thought on it more. It'd probably make better royalty than the current leaders, really, human or not. At the very least, it probably wouldn't execute anyone for the smallest of crimes. He wondered if humans ever had anything like a monarchy in the past. He doubted it, every source he had found on humans had pointed them to an uncomplex civilisation like most other animals

They had a few dens, some bigger than others, and they had a sort of hierarchy, but that was probably the closest they got to royalty. The human was pacing around on the stone, still making elaborate hand movements and ignoring him and the others completely.

It made him laugh, definitely, Pixie was so energetic that day.

He used a little bit of magic to float it down, before slithering back over to his friends. They talked for a while, still watching Pixie run around. The topic eventually drifted away from the energetic human and more towards their last friend, who had yet to meet Pixie

"Yeah, Remus should probably meet the little guy, but we've already introduced him to you today, so I think we should wait until at least tomorrow to do it" Janus conceded

Everyone agreed on that point, and they went back to watching Pixie play. It was climbing rocks again, and jumping down, which absolutely did not nearly give Janus a heart attack, regardless of how safe it landed.

The next day, Janus went towards Remus' territory. It was early morning, long before Pixie tended to wake up, but he had a plan. Well, technically, it was all of their plan, but he was the first to suggest the initial idea and therefore would be taking all of the credit

He didn't think that Pixie having no human socialisation would be very good for it, and Remus was a shapeshifter. He could fake being human to simulate human interaction with Pixie and keep it happy and healthy.

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