Chapter 6

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Logan, frankly, found caring for Pixie to be exhausting. It was nervous around them, needed 24/7 surveillance and it took a lot of his free time. It was worth it, however, he was helping to protect an endangered species, and, well, it was also pretty cute when it wasn't causing chaos and making messes

He was currently hunting for himself, his friends and Pixie collectively. He would hunt anything for himself, Janus was similar in tastes, not very picky, but Pixie definitely had preferences. Logan had hunted what he wanted and sought out to find a cow, the human enjoyed cow's meat. He wasn't hunting for Patton, as the frog hunted throughout the day for himself

It would never eat other meats in full, but it seemed to like cow's meat a lot better. Logan wanted the little guy to be comfortable, and if that meant having to find a certain animal to hunt every time he was hunting, then so be it.

About an hour or so later, he arrived back at his nest and placed the food down on the grass, near where they usually set up the fire, before starting the cooking. He started making some idle conversation with his friends

"We should invite Virgil here so he can meet Pixie! Oh, it'll be so much fun!" Patton exclaimed, grinning

Logan smiled back "That's a great idea, Pat, once we finish our food, we should go get him. Who should stay here with Pixie though?"

They sat and chatted until the meat for Pixie was cooked, which was when Logan grabbed it and took it over to the shimmering dome that now encircled the stone. It was barely noticeable unless you knew to be looking for the clear shield, but it was there nonetheless. The human seemed confused by it, often climbing onto the stone to poke and prod at it and watch it ripple like water.

It was in its den at that moment, though, so Logan let the barrier weaken just enough for him to let his arm through with the food

"Food time, Pixie" He called out, trying to coax it forwards. He was trusted least by Pixie, probably still because of the medical examination. He was slowly building the trust, however, as the human cautiously walked out to the food, staring at Logan the entire time.

It sat down on the floor before starting to eat. Logan slithered back over to the other two, starting to discuss the best way to bring Virgil there without leaving Pixie alone, and eventually landing on the solution of he'd stay with the human whilst they'd go and collect Virgil from his territory. They had reasoned that since he had already hunted that day, it was their turn to do a job, and that it could help build Pixie's trust in him.

So, now he was alone in his nest with only the human for company. It was stood on the stone again, banging its little fists on the barrier as if that would break it. Logan slithered over in concern, it could hurt itself doing that. He didn't know how to stop it though, picking it up would lose what little trust he had built, and could overwhelm it

"Um, Pixie, go back to your den please, don't- don't do that you'd hurt yourself" he muttered, trying to talk it out of hurting itself. Pixie simply stared at him for a few seconds before starting to cry.

Logan muttered a few choice words to himself, rattling his tail, before trying to calm Pixie down. He would've used a calming spell, but it felt cruel to keep using a spell on a creature who couldn't fight back just because he was getting upset at its displays of emotion. He would only use it when necessary, like to transport it to a new location or back into its circle

Calming spells were good sometimes, but they almost completely cleared the mind for however long correlated with how strong the spell itself was, he didn't enjoy using them unless the creature being spelled was in extreme distress, or had consented. Pixie couldn't consent, and didn't seem in that severe of distress, unlike earlier that morning when they needed to calm it so it wouldn't risk getting too overwhelmed and running into the large expanse of trees and getting itself attacked by a predator.

Logan tried to squeeze his brain of any knowledge that may help, only to come up dry. He ran a hand across his scales in agitation, watching as the human made some chattering noises before going into its den. He sighed, starting to wait for the others to come back. Why were emotions so hard? He peeked into the den again, trying to see what Pixie was doing

It seemed to be curled up, taking a nap, but Logan doubted the nap part. It could've been curled up to try calm and protect itself, much like Logan himself did, but that left a bitter taste in his mouth, he had startled an endangered animal enough to trigger a stress response and panic response, again.

He carried on waiting, luckily for only a few more minutes before Virgil and the others arrived again. He hurried over to them

"Hi, Pixie's upset and I don't know how to fix it, it's in the den right now" He started the conversation "Also, hi Virgil"

Patton hopped over to the enclosure, and peered inside "It seems fine, but let's just let it stay in there for a while, we can talk for a while" They talked for about ten minutes, before a loud shriek sounded from the human's enclosure. That was pretty concerning...

He looked over at where Pixie was stood just outside the den. He hissed in concern, lowering himself down closer to the trembling human. It was staring at Virgil, close to the most afraid he had ever seen it. That was almost more concerning than the shriek, Pixie was a fairly nervous creature as it was, he couldn't understand what had triggered it to this state.

He tried to remember lists of humans natural predators from as early as it had started to be recorded, seeing if he could remember anything that resembled Virgil, only vaguely remembering a small, slightly venomous creature from a few thousand years ago. Pixie couldn't have been thinking of that, could it? Those were thousands of years ago, and as far as he could tell, Pixie was only from a few centuries ago


Roman didn't like the new 'precautions' that came after his escape. He didn't like being trapped behind what seemed like the magical equivalent of a glass dome. He would keep going to touch it, trying to figure out how weak it was, until finally, he got frustrated and upset enough at the entrapment that he climbed closer to it and started trying to punch his way through. Blue slithered closer, hissing something at him, like they were trying to get him to stop

All of his frustration and anger and sadness at the worsened entrapment caught up to him and he started to cry, staring up at the Naga. He didn't know where Yellow or Frog were, nor did he know why he was left here with Blue. Heck, he couldn't even remember what had happened that morning

He remembered waking up in the night and going outside, he remembered Yellow finding him out there, but after that... nothing. He was sure that one of them had done something to him, and he dreaded to think what it could've been.

Blue moved their hands and Roman started backing away

"Stay away from me!" He ran inside, curling up on his bed, facing away from the window and trying to dry his tears. Sometime, maybe fifteen or twenty minutes later, he came out again.

He knew there'd be a new giant there, he could hear unfamiliar noises. He thought he would be prepared; what would there to be scared of barring the size? He was slowly getting used to that aspect

When he saw the spider creature, he definitely did not scream, he kept his cool and didn't freeze in place, shaking. Spiders, why spiders? He barely even noticed that Blue leaned closer to him, he was still staring at Spider.

He knew that, logically, the giant wouldn't hurt hurt him, but spiders had always unsettled him and this one was impossibly large. He jolted out of his fearful staring when Spider moved one of their several (way too big, way too hairy) legs. He ran back to his house as fast as possible.

He shuddered, trying to hide somewhere he wouldn't be seen by Spider. Frog was fine, so were Yellow and Blue, but Spider? Absolutely not. He was not going near that thing anytime soon

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