Chapter 7

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Roman looked out of the window as discreetly as he could. Spider was still there, and he knew he was just being a coward, what kind of prince was scared when there was no actual danger? He knew he was being a coward, not the brave prince he was congratulated on being back then, but he couldn't bring himself to go near them.

He thought over their appearance in his head. They seemed to have the most notably human appearance, which unsettled him more. They had two eyes that were where they were supposed to be, but two more on their forehead and two more on each cheek. They had large fangs protruding from their mouth, and fur in the place of where there'd be hair. Their skin was dark purple, and it was hard to tell where the human torso ended and the spider legs began.

He shook his head, he shouldn't've been hiding. Spider hadn't done anything wrong, besides, Spider was the only one he could know for sure had never done anything to him. He still couldn't remember that morning, and he was starting to get increasingly worried about it. Maybe he should've been hiding from the others. They'd been taking care of him for a week and a half, and already, this was the second time that he could think of that magic had been used on him

Looking out again, he took a deep breath. He couldn't see Spider, but he could see a large web in the trees. He was a prince, he could do this, he was a prince. But, if a prince has no subjects, is he a prince still? What is he the prince of if he has nothing? If he had nothing, who was he?

He shakingly started walking out, purposefully keeping his eyes away from the movement in the trees. He sat down, leaning against his house and closing his eyes. He was fine, he wasn't terrified, he wasn't a coward

He wondered what his parents would say if they saw him shaking in fear. They'd probably scold him for being un-princely, and showing cowardice. He ran a hand over his face. Was it bad that he kept thinking of his parents in such a negative manner?

They had raised him, they had put a roof over his head, given him everything he had. They were dead now, and Roman wasn't thinking of them in a nice way.. He groaned, wondering if he was a bad person. If he was, it didn't matter. There was no one to tell him so or not. He had no one anymore.

He didn't have his friends, and he most certainly didn't have his parents. In a guilty sort of way, he felt free. He was trapped, yeah, but he didn't have anyone telling him that he had to do anything. He had the giants, and yeah, they were keeping under the magical version of a glass bowl, and yeah, they weren't letting him out, but at least he could do what he wanted under his dome.

No one could tell him off for un-princely behaviour, or laughing too loud, or doing anything wrong. They were keeping him there, yeah, but at least they weren't controlling him. Or, maybe they were. He still couldn't remember that morning, but he chose not to think about the multitude of things that could've happened.

He chose instead to think about what day of the week it could've been. It felt like a Monday, but that meant it was probably a Wednesday or Thursday. He decided to declare it Thursday and count from there on. He liked Thursdays, that was when he used to have his sparring lessons. He sighed, still keeping his eyes on the ground

He was aware of the giants staring at him from every angle they could, which meant about 14 eyes on him. He shuddered. The giants were conversing. He could hear that they were talking about him, but that's all he could puzzle out. He was never very good at languages

He leant back, keeping his eyes closed "I hate this, why couldn't I have died like everyone else? Why me? Why am I the one stuck in captivity? Why not my parents? I'm here because of them, why do I get punished for their actions?" He was muttering angrily to himself

The sounds of outside conversation stopped, and he groaned. He just had to draw attention to himself. He opened his eyes, purposely not looking up at the moving web above him. The giants were looking at him, which was the exact opposite of a surprise. They looked away when they noticed that he opened his eyes, and the noises started back up.

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