Chapter 9

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Remus found Pixie hilarious. It absolutely refused to get near him no matter what, and it never seemed to be out of fear, unlike when it hid from the others. If he had to guess, it was spite.

That was peak comedy to him. He hadn't even done anything to it yet, and it still, for some inexplicable reason, absolutely despised him! Perhaps it just held a grudge on shifters in general, although that had a few unsettling connotations

Shifters didn't tend to take form of animals, usually only sapient races and those with the most power in society. Or, at least, that's what they used to do; shifters were becoming a lot more accepted the past few centuries. The human likely wouldn't have a notable memory of any shifters. He tried to think back on lessons on history, trying to remember if he had learned anything on humans. He couldn't remember having learnt anything on humans at all, so he pushed that thought to the back of his mind.

Pixie just hated him for no specific reason. He stayed in human form the rest of the morning, intent on just annoying the human, which tried to throw things at him every time he approached, making loud noises

Remus laughed, following it around the circle as it ran from him. It turned around suddenly, crossed its arms and stood in place, staring at him. He stopped as well, mirroring it as best he could, only for it to walk back to the den and stare at him

He decided to get to the rest of the nest in normal form, greeting his friends. Pixie got out of the den and sat itself on the floor, staring at him. He reached a tentacle towards it and it hit the limb away. Remus laughed

"I thought you said that this thing was nervous? It's been nothing but a tiny ball of spite and rage near me" He turned to the others with a smile on his face.

They were staring at Pixie, evidently shocked at the aggression

"My Gods, simply being in your presence has had a bad influence on it" Janus groaned, bringing a hand to his face

Logan cleared his throat, rubbing at the scales around his eyes

"In all seriousness, we need to figure out where this irregularity in behaviour came from. It doesn't seem scared around you at all, merely... defensive. It, like all scientific research, begs the question of *why* this is happening. Perhaps you should interact with it more, see what's happening? This is the least nervous I've ever seen it without a calming spell.."

Everyone stared at Pixie and Pixie stared at Remus, unblinking. Patton hopped closer and reached a hand out to it, but it just ran from that. Remus grinned

"Looks like I'm the favourite! Or the least favourite, since it seems to want to attack me all the time" He leant down to Pixie, who threw more grass at him immediately, being the tiny ball of rage it was. He pet it as it tried to hit his tentacle away

He shrunk himself down, still looking like himself, but more human-sized, before climbing into the enclosure. Pixie walked up to him, looking him up and down and grabbing one of his tentacles. Remus stared, the little guy had a pretty strong grip.

He was dragged back to the edge of the circle and thrown against the wall as Pixie walked away from him. Remus slinked back to it, ruffling its hair. It turned towards him and pushed him away, before running into the den and looking out at him from the hole in the wall.

Remus decided that fair was fair and sat down outside the den. He may have been committed to annoying Pixie, but he understood that the den was there for if it wanted to hide or be on its own, and Remus wouldn't take that away. His friends were talking, and he slunk back over to them, growing back to his usual size

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