Chapter Two

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"Raven! Wake up! We got some shopping to do for Thursday!" Kasey bursted through my bedroom door, shaking my keys in the air to wake me up and walked over to my window and flung my curtains open off to the side.

"We have until Thursday, woman! Calm down and let me sleep in!" I groaned, pulling my blanket over my head to block out the light from my eyes.

"I'm aware but if we prepare today, we'll just have to grab and go to catch our flight early morning on said day. Now get off you're ass and let's get going!" She pulled the blanket out of my grasp and flashed me with the sunlight pouring into the room again, blinding me.

"Ugh, fine! Get out of my room so I can get dressed!" I gave in, throwing one of my pillows at her as she tossed my keys at me and closed the door behind her after leaving.

"Don't take too long!" Kasey shouted as she ran upstairs to prepare to leave. After taking a moment to let myself wake up and adjust to the bright room, I sat up and gently rubbed Shadow on the top of his head.

"Morning Shadow," I mumbled, yawning. Shadow chirped his head up, remaining curled up on his favourite pillow. I wasn't quite mentally ready for the day. I originally planned on sleeping in and then editing my last video where my friends and I had explored an abandoned hospital here in Montreal, Canada named the old Royal Victoria that sat on the slopes of Mount Royal. It was said to be one of the most haunted sites here.

I stood up, walking over to my closet and grabbed a black sleeveless shirt, my black thin hoodie with mario kart decorations on the front and my grey ripped jeans, putting them on and walked upstairs, heading to the bathroom.

"We'll go to Walmart first for clothes and food and then stop at the electronics store for some SD cards and maybe a new vlogging camera," Kasey said, sitting at the counter with her laptop and a cup of coffee.After nodding my head, I finished getting ready and went to the front door to put my black high tops on.

"Let's go," I called out to Kasey. She got up, finishing the last sip of her coffee, closed her laptop and came outside with me. After stopping at the stores and headed back home, I heard my phone go off as I was driving. I quickly hit answer and continued to drive. The music stopped and a familiar voice came out of the speakers.

"Hey Raven! How are you?" Sam exclaimed. I smiled and looked back at the road, stopping at a red light.

"Hey Sam! I'm doing alright. Just finished getting supplies for Thursday such as SD cards, a new camera and some baked goods to eat on the plane on our way to LA. How are you and the boys?" I started driving again once the traffic light had turned green and began to shift upwards to reach the speed limit.

"I'm ok. Hey, I was wondering if you knew what time you were getting on the plane so that I know when to meet up with you and Kasey," I looked over at Kasey quickly and she looked over at the dash.

"Our plane leaves at 8am and it takes roughly 6 hours to get there," she looked at the notes on her phone and looked at the road ahead of us.

"Which means you'll be here around...," he paused a moment, probably calculating, "between 2pm and 2:30pm. Alright, that's all I needed. I'll let you guys go! I'm excited to meet you both in person! Bye,"he said.

"Same. Bye, Sam," and with that, I hung up as we pulled into the driveway.

"Did you find someone to baby sit Shadow for you while we're gone for god knows how long?" Kasey looked at me as we got out of the car and grabbed our stuff to head back in the house.

"I was thinking of bringing Shadow with us. I mean, he is the mascot of the channel anyway. A handsome black cat. Quite fitting for a channel that explores abandoned places where most of them are haunted," I chuckled and closed the door behind me.

"That is true. It would make more sense," Kasey began putting the stuff together. I walked over to the counter where Kasey's laptop was.

"Hey, mind if I check if we can bring my car over to LA via plane?" I questioned, pointing at her laptop.

"Yeah, go ahead," she answered but then paused a moment,"wait you're planning on bringing your car? Doesn't that cost a fortune?"

"Well if I can bring my car over, I might as well. We don't even know how long we'll be there for. This is our first big adventure ever in a long time. Our last one was a few years ago and that was for a quick there and back trip to see the abandoned catacombs for your buddy, Elton," I explained, taking a seat and beginning to do my research and calculations until something caught my eye, "You're searching for him.... aren't you?" I looked over at Kasey, my hand resting over my chin and partially my mouth.

"Who?" she walked over to me and took a look at the screen, sighing.

"Colby," I answered, looking back at the screen, his photo on display.

"Yeah, I feel bad for Sam and want him to be happy that his childhood friend has returned but.... in order to do that, I need to figure out what the hell happened and where he was last seen because there is no news that he's dead or alive. I'm hoping to at least find him alive," she answered. I shook my head, sighing.

"You are brave. God knows what can of worms you're opening considering he vanished during a spike in paranormal activity. Call me crazy but it could either be a coincidence or something mustered up enough energy to snatch him and run off with him somehow," I returned to my research on whether or not I was going to be able to bring my car to LA with us.

"I know... I might be asking for trouble but ever since we became friends with the boys after the incident, Sam is like our big brother. It pains me to see him so sad every once in a while, telling himself that he hopes to see Colby again. Imagine seeing the sparkle in his eyes again when he sees his best buddy and partner back," Kasey went back to what she was doing after glancing my way. I shook my head, sighing.

"It would be nice to see Sam be Sam again but who knows the danger," she confessed, putting everything for the trip to the side of the door.

"We can only hope that everything will go smoothly and it doesn't come with problematic attachments," I mumbled, checking up on prices, "okay to ship my car, it'll roughly cost me 900$ since it's a 2014 Camaro."

"It's not too bad. If we're importing your car over, would you like to remain there for two or three months? I mean, there is also the Witch's Forest we can investigate too and probably a few other places," Kasey's eye began to sparkle a bit. I looked over at her and huffed.

"We'd have to see if it's okay with Sam first. I know he's okay with my car being in his parking lot but I don't know if he'd be okay with it being there for a while or if he's okay with us crashing at his place for a while. I thought we were mainly going to stay there for just a month so that we can go check out that one place you spoke about and then hang out with everyone," my brows furrowed until I shrugged after a moment, "I'll just as-"

"He said yes," Kasey interrupted me, waving her phone up in the air, "I asked him while you were distracted with searching for prices," she exclaimed, a big smile appearing on her face.

"Why am I not surprised that you did that?" I questioned, turning around as I put one hand on my hip and leaning my head on the other against the counter.

"Because we've known each other since we were practically in diapers..." she chuckled and ran off to her room. I shook my head and closed her laptop.

"This is going to be an interesting vacation," I sighed, a smile playing on my lips. I got up, walking over to my bedroom to get some editing done for the rest of the afternoon.

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