Chapter Three

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"THE TIME HAS COME!" I shouted throughout the house, dancing around as I carefully picked Shadow up and gently put him in his carrier. I was looking forward to this. Something we haven't done in so long and we're finally meeting Sam and the boys in person!

"Woohoo!" Kasey came racing down the hall and raced into the kitchen, grabbing the last few things for our plane trip and threw our stuff in the trunk of the Taxi that waited in the driveway. My car had already been sent off to LA on Tuesday after I finished editing so it was already on the plane to arrive at the drop off point.

"I'm so stoked!" I exclaimed, grabbing the last of my things before heading out and locking the door behind me with Shadow in my hand.

"Come on! Let's go!" Kasey said like a little child, stomping her foot on the ground.

"Would you chill out? I had to lock the door so that it's secured and that my mom wouldn't message me about us forgetting to lock the damn door!" I shouted, running to the taxi and hopped in the back seat, putting the carrier on my lap with the door facing Kasey. I took my phone out and pulled up the messages between Sam and I.

Raven 7:01am: Just got in the taxi to head to the airport and catch our flight! Keep you posted!

I sent the message and put my phone back in my pocket, adjusting the way I was sitting and making sure Shadow was perfectly placed on my lap before putting on my seat belt, feeling the car begin to leave the driveway.

After arriving at the airport and checking in, going through security and finding our gate, we finally made it to the line to board the plane. It wasn't long before we heard the announcement that people were beginning to fill the plane.

"We made it on time, thankfully. We were supposed to be here two hours before the plane was supposed to leave!" I said to Kasey, huffing and puffing from running around the airport, searching for the gate and threading through the crowd.

"I know but my laptop wasn't fitting in the damn bag!" Kasey pouted, her shoulders slumped.

"You could've just left it behind. I'm sure Sam and the boys could've passed you their computer or laptop," I said, crossing my arms as I waited for the line to move forwards once I passed Shadow to Kasey.

"Yeah but all of my notes, research and stuff are in the hard drive built into the computer. I don't have cloud automatically on it since it's quite old," she checked on Shadow, poking her finger through the little door and rubbing his forehead.

"Why don't you get a newer one?" we advanced in the line, eager to sit down and finally eat something.

"Because they're expensive! Have you seen the prices for a decent laptop?" her eyes looked at me, shocked that I even said such a thing.

"Dude, if I can afford my child, I bet you can afford a decent laptop," I admitted, chuckling a bit.

"What child? Last time I checked, you were single and definitely not ready to mingle that even spirits are just scared of you," she bravely replied. I looked over at her, leaning my body a bit infront of her as I turned my torso with my arms still crossed, eyes wide open, surprised that she even said that.

"You wanna run that by me again, miss?" I watched her as she snorted, covering her mouth and nose with the back of her hand, avoiding eye contact as she laughed at the fact how she reminded me of how forever alone I was, "you are so dead."

"Just like your love life!" She laughed even harder, drawing attention from the other passengers in line. I shook my head, smiling as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Shut up and just get your ass to the booth so the lady can check your shit," I just sighed in defeat, approaching the lady with Kasey as she wiped the tears out of her eyes.

"May I see your ID, please?" She asked. Kasey and I passed her whatever she needed to let her verify our stuff before letting us board the plane and she returned them once she was done.

As I walked by the attendant, she leaned towards me and whispered, "I'm sorry that she did that to you. Would you like a pair of ear plugs to cancel out the noise?"

"No thank you. No apologies needed. I live with this thing so I'm sort of used to her nonsense. I've got a pair of headphones in my bag to block her out if she misbehaves again. I will apologize for creating a scene however," I chuckled. The woman gently patted my shoulder and nodded.

"I heard that!" Kasey shouted through the mini hall leading to the plane's entrance. I laughed with the lady and left to join Kasey at our seats.

After shoving our bag of essentials into the slot above our head, I sat down at the window and placed Shadow's carrier between me and Kasey. I took my phone out and felt it vibrate. I checked it to see Sam had messaged me on Instagram. I opened the message to reveal a photo of my car behind him and the key in his hands.

samgolbach: She arrived home safely! About to bring it to my place so that it's waiting for you there rather than at the airport. :)

theravencrow: I'm glad she made it safe. Make sure to be nice with her or she won't play nice! Kasey and I just made it onto the plane. Leaving shortly.

I turned my phone after opening the camera and pointed it to where we can see me, Kasey and Shadow and took a picture, not caring if Kasey was paying attention and sent it to him as proof that we were on the plane headed to LA. He responded back.

samgolback: Good to hear! Let me know when you girls have landed. I'll make sure to park your car in one of the garages so that it's protected. She do be lookin' pretty sweet. :o

theravencrow: I will. Thank you for the help with my car and letting us stay at your place for a while.

samgolbach: Anytime. :)

And with that, we were told to buckle up because the plane was about to take off. Our 4 hour plane ride was about to begin.

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