Chapter Eight

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It's been almost a day since we arrived back home from the forest. It was rough on us but we managed to pull through without losing anyone. The fact that a full on figure was ontop of me was something that will haunt me for the rest of my life. To think that I was just peacefully sleeping and this figure somehow came into the tent without waking me or Kasey up.

I sat up on the couch with Kasey in the bedroom I was staying in, watching random Youtube videos to kill time while everyone were out to get groceries. We weren't sure on what to do and after last night, Kasey was making sure I was alright. 

She looked up at me from her laptop as a nervous look appeared on her face. "Um... do you remember what you saw last night? The figure I mean...," Kasey rested her hand on her chin, sighing at the slight relief she had from asking me as if she was scared of my reaction. 

I looked at my feet, trying to recall what I saw last night but I shook my head from how scary the experience was.

"I.... I don't remember anything..." I muttered, looking back at the tv again, changing video to distract myself. She nodded lightly and looked back at her computer.

"We're back!" Sam announced downstairs. I tossed the tv remote onto the couch, leaving the room with Kasey following behind, holdig her closed laptop to her chest.

"Oh my god! It's vampire Raven and normal Kasey!" Corey said jokingly. Kasey giggled a bit. I shook my head and walked into the kitchen, looking over at Sam who was putting the groceries away with Corey.

"You guys need any help?" I asked, putting my hands in my pockets. Sam looked at the amount of stuff they had and smiled.

"Not really but if you want to help, go ahead. Store them where ever you think is okay," he answered, passing me a bag and went back to putting things away. I began helping him. 

Kasey sat at the counter and just began unpacking the groceries for us, making it easier to just grab and put away, "So when do you think we should check out the mansion you spoke about since it's only going to be us three?" Sam questioned.

"Well, I was thinking maybe after the weekend so that it gives Raven some time to settle and we have some time together to gather our sanity back before seeking ghost stuff again," Kasey answered, passing him the two cartons of milk that were infront of her.

"That sounds like a plan," he exclaimed. I replayed the moment in my head, trying to remember what I might've saw last night but couldn't remember anything of what I saw besides a dark figure and shiny metal in the shape of rings.

"Hello? Earth to Raven?" Kasey waved her hand in my face, making me shake my head. I was so lost in thought that I hadn't realized that anybody was talking to me.

"Everything alright?" Sam asked, I nodded quietly as I looked away. Kasey patted my shoulder with a small smile.

"Just trying to remember what I saw last night while I'm a lot less jumpy and terrified but no luck. All I remember is a faint shine from rings and the blurred figure I saw as I was trying to wake up," I sighed, rubbing my eyes and passing my hand in my hair.

"It doesn't matter anyway. Must've been a random spirit that came to see you or something," Kasey said. I shook my head.

"It can't be. I literally saw it like a live human and felt the closeness of them," I responded, looking over at Sam who furrowed his brows.

"That's odd. It can't be an actual person though because we would've heard them from the leaves. Especially for you when the tent should've been unzipped. You also mentioned that it disappeared in the fraction of a second so it's definitely not a normal human being since the time to unzip the tent and close it back up quietly is much slower," he explained. He did bring up a point. No one woke up besides me. Everyone woke up because I screamed.

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