Chapter Five

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"So who's going where?" Sam rubbed his hands together softly after smacking them together.

"What do you mean?" Kasey looked over at him, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as she got her laptop out and placed it on the counter.

"Who's sleeping in which room?" He rephrased his question.

"It all depends on what the rooms look like, I guess," Kasey shrugged. Sam facepalmed lightly and smiled.

"I'll just show you the two rooms and let you two decide," he said, pulling his phone out to check it and slid it back into his pocket before grabbing some of my stuff and some of Kasey's stuff, "since we're already on the main floor, I'll show you to the guest room."

"Okay, lead the way," I answered, grabbing the remainder of my stuff in one hand and Shadow's carrier in the other, following Sam with Kasey behind me.

"This is our guest room," He walked in the room, heading over to the side of the door so we can go in, "there's a nice little desk to work at, a dresser and a closet, a double sized bed, night stand and all the simplistic things you'd need in a guest room," he looked over at us. Kasey seemed interested so she put her things down in the room.

"I claim this one!" Kasey said as a little kid. "You sure? You haven't seen the other room yet," I questioned.

"I'll go see the other one with you guys but I think I might like this more. It's just a gut feeling," she smiled, looking over at me and winking. Does she know something? Something tells me she was bored before we left and played with her tarot cards.

"Whatever floats your boat," I said as we both begin to follow Sam again. We headed upstairs where it lead to two doorways, one infront of us and one on the right.

"The one on the end is my room. The other one is Colby's room. I cleaned it up and tried to preserve it just in case he comes back or if we have guests even though no one really goes in it besides me. You'll see why," Sam nervously smiled a bit, putting his hand over the door knob.

Now I was a bit scared to know on what he meant by that. It can't be that bad, can it? He opened the door and let me in first. Oh boy...

"He had the dark gothic emo style as you could tell," he said, walking in behind me with Kasey.

The room had a king sized bed in a big old fashioned black bedframe with the poles to add a cloth over the entire bed, making it more excluded, a giant dresser next to it, facing the far side. He had a mini fridge, nightstands and even had it's own living room at the foot of the bed. The entire room had a dark, gothic feel to it especially with the dim lighting and the LEDs in red along the room.

"So from the looks of it, I think I'm keeping the guest room and Raven is claiming this room for the time we're here. It suits her more than me. Practically Yin and Yang," Kasey said, laughing that I was entirely speechless.

She was right, our fashion sense were completely different. She enjoyed colourful clothes, hoodies and joggings, leggings, floral patterns, cute anime things or her K-pop band shirts. I enjoyed black clothing, ripped jeans, boxers, chains, skulls, colourful hair, trench coats and anything emo/gothic/tomboy.

"Since the rooms have been decided, do you need any help unpacking stuff before I head off to do a bit of editing or prepare to record a video?" Sam asked, chuckling at my face. I shook my head, snapping myself back to reality.

"No thank you but I appreciate it. Are you 100% certain that you don't mind us using this room? I mean, you said that you're trying to keep it clean for his possible return and that no one normally comes in here," I looked at him, feeling bad at the thought until he said he was totally okay with it considering he trusted us. We all smiled.

 "I'll leave you girls to it! When you're done, I'd like to record a video with you guys. Not sure what yet but we'll see!" he said, going to his room after putting the rest of my stuff down. I looked over at Kasey who was somewhat tired but was still functional.

"I'd like the sleep but... I don't want to since we've got a bunch of stuff to do," she said, sighing as she walked over to the couch.

"Well we just arrived today. I don't think we'll be doing anything besides unpacking and just settling down for the day since we're leaving tomorrow for that mansion you spoke about," I said.

"True... I wonder what we'll find there," Kasey wondered, sitting at the corner of the couch so she can look at me as I unpacked my clothes at the bed to store it in the dressers. The dresser was almost empty. Probably because Colby hung most of his stuff on the clothes rack in the corner of the room when he used to stay here.

"Who knows? We'll just have to bring our ghost hunting gear unless Sam is already bringing his," I looked over at one of my bags filled with the exploration supplies.

"I don't think it hurts to bring our stuff too. What if his fails or ours fail? At least there is a backup," Kasey shrugged, fixing her brown hair back into a ponytail.

"I guess you're right. Any progress on your research?" I asked, knowing she'd understand what I was talking about. I didn't want to say much considering Sam was just next door.

"Sadly, no. No spottings, no reason as to how or why he vanished. He simply saw an apparition, chased after it through the forest and was never to be found afterwards. From the looks of it, I don't even think he's dead. There's not enough or any sort of evidence for them to list the missing person as deceased," Kasey explained, sighing as she got back up.

"Damn," I opened up Shadow's carrier and placed it next to the bed so he had somewhere to hide whenever he wanted to, "Imagine if he showed up during one of our explorations!" Kasey shook her head as if I were insane.

"I doubt it. We'd have to be extremely lucky for him to suddenly just show up," she stood up, stretching.

"True... Well anyway, I'll let you unpack in peace. I'm off to unpack my own things and then work on stuff on my laptop," she said, walking over to the door.

"Alright, talk to you later. Don't have too much fun," I said loudly as she walked down the stairs. "Oh trust me, I won't have too much fun unpacking," she chuckled.

I looked over at Shadow who was now snooping around the room, inspecting the area after I shut the door.

"Get used to it, buddy. We'll be here for quite a while," I told him, smiling as I went back to unpacking until I thought to myself....

What if he does suddenly appear during our expeditions? How is he like? Would he even remember Sam?

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