Chapter Seven

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"We've arrived! Oh my god it's still just as scary as the first time!" Sam announced, pulling into a spot to park, not far from the path.

"Oh dear..." Kasey whispered as she looked around, leaning a bit towards Corey to see out the back window on the driver's side. Corey seemed just as terrified.

"Bro, this is not going to be a fun night... this just screams just as much danger as last time!" He said, opening the door to step out. The rest of us got out of the car, grabbing everything that we could and began heading towards a spot.

"Dude, why does this place look familiar?" Jake asked, looking over at Sam.

"Because this is the exact spot Colby parked the car and where we were set up," Sam answered, putting the stuff down.

"No, you're kidding, right? Where going to be camping at the exact same spot where we were staying the night you lost Colby! You can't be serious, bro!" Corey had the look of fear spread across his face. So I wasn't the only one finding this a bit insane.

"Yeah, but we'll be fine! We just have to stick together and not go bolting off just because we saw a figure. We still see the car like last time," Sam tried to comfort Corey but it didn't work.

"No! What if another one of us disappears again or gets hurt?" He asked, looking at Sam as if he were crazy.

"Brother, we should just focus on getting the stuff ready before it gets too dark," Jake gently placed his hand on Corey's shoulder, hoping to distract him.

"You're right...," he muttered, beginning to unpack some of the camping stuff hesitantly. Kasey and I looked at each other and proceeded to unpack the parts for our tent.

"How do you think it'll go tonight?" I asked her, unfolding the tent itself as she prepared the rods, trying to forget the fact that I had snapped at her before we left.

"I'm hoping it'll go well and we catch something interesting," she answered, avoiding my gaze. I guess what I said this morning seemed to be bothering her.

"Only that?" I asked, wondering if she'd answer anymore than just that. I did feel bad about it, if I'm being honest. The fact that I snapped at her was uncalled for. Should I apologize to her?

"Well...," she paused for a moment, sighing," I am also hoping for his return but like you said, we can't keep our hopes up too high." I looked over at her again and gave her a half smile, seeing her finishing up with preparing the rods. 

The boys were in their own little group, putting up their tents and messing around. After looking around, I decided to start pitching our tent to help me focus on something else rather than think of all the possibilities that can happen tonight, letting Kasey anchor the tent down.

"How's it going for you two over here?" Sam asked, walking up to us with a camera, seeing as Kasey was just tossing her stuff in and placing it however she wanted.

"It's going okay so far. Now we're just putting our stuff in," I smiled, putting my hands in my pockets. Sam pointed the camera towards me.

"The boys and I have already experienced the forest for ourselves. What do you think will happen tonight?" He looked at the preview on the camera, making sure that I was in frame.

"Well, I can only expect footsteps and animal noises by experience especially since we're literally in the middle of the forest but after watching your video last night as I was unpacking, I should be expecting more than just that," I chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. 

 "Oh yes. There is much more than just footsteps and animal noises. Be prepared for the things that may happen throughout the night," He warned me, chuckling. I chuckled with him but nervously and turned to Kasey. 

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