Chapter Ten

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"Welcome back... home? Not sure what to say for someone who is just staying here for the vacation," Sam said, laughing as he opened the door to let Colby push me in with Kasey following behind, holding my bag.

"Thanks," I smiled and looked over at Colby, "I think I can push it on my own, so you don't need to bother with moving me around. It's just trying to move through terrain like the asphalt or something is a bit difficult on the hands."

"You sure? I don't mind," he wanted to be certain. I nodded and showed him that I could move the chair on my own. He smiled and backed away a bit.

"I'm sure. I just need help getting upstairs and everything since I doubt I can just bunny hop my way up while wheelchair bound," I laughed. Kasey gently placed my bag down by the door and went to her room to put her things away.

"We should get some sleep. It is kind of late. It's almost three in the morning. I'll help you guys get upstairs," Sam said, looking at the time on his phone before heading towards the stairs. I rolled the chair to him and sighed.

"I hate the fact that I'm bound to this damn chair. Can I walk already?" I joked, pushing myself towards the edge of the seat before Sam scooped me up and brought me upstairs as Colby folded the chair and brought it up. Sam shook his head.

"The doctor says these things for a reason. You can't push your self," he admitted, letting Colby open the door to the bedroom I was staying in which was also Colby's room.

"I know..." I rested my head against his shoulder in a friendly manner before he carefully sat me down on the end of the couch, Colby placing the wheelchair next to me.

"Should I get Kasey so she can help you change?" Sam asked, backing away a bit before pulling his pants back up since he wasn't wearing a belt and couldn't pull them up while holding me.

I sat for a minute to think, looking down at my clothes and debating on whether or not I should just go straight to bed or have Kasey help me. I sighed and looked back at Sam and Colby.

"Yes, please. I doubt I'll want to sleep in jeans and a shirt. I can probably imagine I'll sleep better in clean pyjamas rather than clothes covered in hospital germs," I answered, scooting myself to the edge of the seat. Sam smiled and walked over to the door.

"I'll go fetch her for you. Colby, stay with her just in case she'll need anything until Kasey is there to take your place," Sam exclaimed. Colby nodded once and sat by me.

"No prob, man!" Colby smiled as Sam left the room, leaving me and Colby alone together. I laid down on my side, sighing.

After a few minutes of hanging out with Colby for a bit, Kasey knocked on the door and came in, eyes locking with Colby.

"Out. Shoo!" She jokingly said, chasing him out until he was completely out before closing the door so I can change. My heart sank a bit, feeling a bit embarrassed that I couldn't do things on my own anymore. Especially on our vacation where we were supposed to be recording videos for the channel and doing collabs with the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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