Sneaky survives

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(this was after Sneaky and the others saved many residents and kept foiling Fliqpy's plans)

Flipqy: That's it! *pulls out his gun* 

Sneaky: Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Why do you have a gun armed man!?

Flipqy: ....You've annoyed me the entire and your pathetic friends made a horrible decision....

Sneaky: What the heck man!?

Flipqy: You see....I've....have had NOBODY to kill....and you're the closest person next to me because you were too know what I'm capable of....

Sneaky: Hey....t-take it easy! *pulls out a gun* I have one too! *tries to shoot but is out of amo* Crap! 

Flipqy: This is your fault....

Sneaky: W-what are you talking about!?

Flipqy: YOU CAUSED THIS! *shoots him* 

(later on....Sneaky wakes up back in the house)

Sneaky: Oh my god my head....'

Mouse: Monsieur! Are you okay?

Sneaky: Y-yeah....? *realizes something* How am I not dead again!?

Beatrix: We knew something like this was going to your uniform, there's a pad that deflected the only knocked you out because of the impact. 

Sneaky: Huh....well, thanks. 

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