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"Y'know....I sometimes don't get why I was labelled as an....older brother figure....I was told that a couple times by Rosie....I mean, I only want to keep the team stable...."

(Sneaky helping Flippy calm down before he snaps)

Sneaky: Okay, it's okay're was only a jackhammer....

"Make sure no one gets hurt...."

(Him helping Beatrix when she got one of her wings damaged)

Sneaky: Hmm....maybe this will work? I dunno too much about bee wings....but I'll see what I can do. Okay?

"Being there when they absolutely needed it...."

(While helping Mouse fix his hearing aids after they broke)

Sneaky: Third time this week huh? What have you been doing to yourself Squeaky? 

"And....I guess being someone who looks out for them I guess...."

(Back when Patty was having one of her meltdowns after hallucinating)

Sneaky:'s okay Patty....I'm here....

"With that being said....if you hurt any of them, you're gettin' the tongue. You understand?"

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