Martial Arts

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(Waaaay before Patty and the others served and while they were in Grade School, Patty would take karate classes to Martial Arts....that would explain why her strength is OP. During one of her training lessons, she accidentally broke her own master's crotch while she was fighting him which was a test she took....and she passed it.)

Patty: *sees her master ready to hit her but due to her training, she was able to block the shot and accidentally kicks him where the sun doesn't shine* 

Master: Oooooh....*covers his crotch and falls to the floor* 

Patty: Oh god! I'm so sorry! I-I didn't know what came over me I swear! *hears the other classmates either gasping or just stayed quiet*

Classmate #1: She really kicked him in the kiwis....didn't she? 

Classmate #2: She did! 

Patty: I'm was really unintentional....I guess I failed the test....

Master: *slowly gets up* passed. 

Patty: W-what? But....I hurt you....I wasn't allowed to....

Master: *walks over to Patty*'re one of the strongest students I had in several years....I don't have many students who are as strong as even showed the entire class what strength really doesn't just come from your comes from your mind and put both of those things into what you did and how you were able to manage it....I'm proud of you Patty....hopefully these moves will come in handy when you're in a situation not even your words can get you out of. 

Patty: *smiles softly and face turns pink with embarrassment* I-I'll do that....*gives a bow for gratitude* Thank you Master....*hears the other students cheering for her* 

"He was moves really did come in handy when it came to the War....and my friends....they were really surprised after seeing what happened through the window....I'll continue these moves if absolutely necessary....because of my strength, I was able to survive and to protect my don't worry Master....I'll keep using my strength as a weapon if anything happens....I promise...."

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