Hearing Loss

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           "That day....when I lost my hearing was really scary and strange for me. It all started when I first served in the war along with the others. I was assigned to use dynamite against the tiger army but....one day....I overdid the bombs and it was so loud it was the last time I was able to hear properly...."

General: Wow! Now that's something I want to see! Keep up the good work! 

Mouse: I-I'm sorry Monsieur....what did you say? 

General: I said keep up the good work! What's wrong with you? 

Mouse: *was using his finger to get the ringing out of his ears* I-I still can't hear you! What are you saying?!

Sneaky: What's going on here? 

Patty: Mouse? Are you okay? 

Mouse: *was still messing with his ears* Sneaky?! Patty?! What did you say?!

Sneaky: Woah, chill! No need to yell. 

Patty: Sneaky....I think I know what's wrong....

Sneaky: What is it? 

Patty: From that explosion....I think he lost his hearing....

Sneaky: What?! Oh god....this isn't good....what are we going to do!?

General: *sighs softly* Why did it have to happen today....? Out of all days....hold on....I might have something that will help. *takes out two hearing aids and places them in Mouse's ears only for them to slip off* Hmm....Patty? Can you bring me some of the bandages from the infirmary or lend some off of Beatrix? 

Patty: Right away sir. *runs off and comes back with a couple bandages* 

General: Thank you Patty. *takes the bandages, sticks the hearing aids in and wraps them in the bandages to keep them from falling off* How does that feel?

Mouse: Good I guess....what just happened? 

Sneaky: Ooof....uh....Squeaky....I dunno how to say this....but....I think you may half deaf from that explosion. 

Mouse: What?! 

Patty: It had a serious affect to your hearing. So....we're not sure you'll be able to hear things normally again. 

Mouse: *looks down in guilt and his mustache flattens along with his tail* I see....I guess I won't be much of a help to you or the others and....you probably don't want to be my friends anymore....will you....now I'm useless.... 

Patty: No, no no....Mouse....it's not like that at all....hearing or no hearing, we're still your friends....

Sneaky: And you're not useless man....you're the smartest mouse we know. Heck, you're smarter than most of the teachers at our old school. 

Patty: You're also the only one who knows how to use dynamite carefully without making it blow up in your face. 

Mouse: *chuckles softly* Maybe....

Sneaky: Don't blame yourself for losing your hearing Squeaky. At least be grateful that you survived....like god, it was huge! (SO MUCH FORESHADOWING)

Mouse: *smiles softly* I guess I should be grateful. Thank you two. 

       "At least there were friends who were able to help me get through it....nowadays, I'm used to my hearing aids stuck to my ears. I do take them off sometimes....but it's usually at night before I head to bed and in the morning, someone has to give me a nudge because....let's be honest....*chuckles softly*....I won't be able to hear the alarm. So....that's the story of how I lost my hearing. It was a hard time but I was able to get through it with my friends helping me."

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