Loss and mourning

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(taken place after Ka-Pow Journal Tiger Bomb and Patty assumed Flippy died as well because she hasn't seen him in a long time and after how she faked her own death)

The war's over....that's good to know....we won against the enemy team....but that victory alone....isn't enough to satisfy me....because of the Tiger General....Sneaky....Beatrix....Mouse....Flippy....why....? Why did I have to survive....? We made a pact that we will always have each other's backs....and now that pact's broken....what am I going to do....? 

Patty: *opens the door and drops her duffle bag full of weapons, health supplies and grenades* *sighs softly* Finally....after so many years....back home....*walks inside and shuts the door* I've never felt so relieved in my entire life....*tears form but shakes them off as she takes off the camouflage vest showing her white under shirt and the hat* It feels....so good to not have to hide anymore....*walks over to her couch, flops and turns on the TV showing a news reporter saying how they won against the Tiger Army which sends Patty into tears and starts crying quietly gripping on to her hat as she turns off the TV* 

I-I....I....I don't want to be reminded of that god forsaken war anymore....please....no more....I can't take it anymore....guys....I-I'm so sorry....after what happened....I'll never forgive myself....I specifically told myself that if anything happens to you all....I will never EVER forgive myself....or trust anyone....ever again....please....

Ka-Pow Team moments and memoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora