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"Oh sh*t-sh*t-sh*t-sh* do I even begin my little confession....?"

"So....I'm Walter the Mongoose....and...."

"I've made....A LOT of bad decisions and choices...."

"So....the first one....I was the one who killed Blanca with the sniper....she was technically the first one to die....and her blood was on my hands....I legit thought she was really working for the Tigers because y'know....royalty and I saw her talking to one of the Tiger Guards....I hired the sniper to take her out because I was afraid she was going to attack us....but I wasn't thinking clearly....after finding out she was trying to get information out of them....while I wasn't really broke me down...."

"Several days after, I became more reckless than I ever was's eventually what led up to my demise....I was out in the open and I fired one of my grenades at the soldiers in helicopters....I felt so alive more-so than I did before....the others were telling me to get out of the way....and I refused....Mouse tried to warn me about a bomb above my head....but when I looked was too went to black and next thing I knew....I woke up in a galaxy sort of land....and Blanca was nowhere in sight....I wanted to apologize to her and I wanted to make up for the things I did....but she wasn't wasn't long until Sneaky, Mouse and Beatrix came here....for many different reasons...."

"GOD DAMMIT! Patty and Flippy were alone having to put up with the sh*t they've been through! WHY WAS I SUCH A DUMBA**!?"

"Killing Blanca was the skipping stone to EVERYTHING HAPPENING!"

" So really, it's all my fault that half of us are dead! Including me!"

"You cats are crazy if you think I'm worthy enough to be a part of this bullsh*t clan!"

"A-anyway....I think that's everything....please....please for the love of god....don't think any different of me....please...."

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