Chapter 7

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Note: my chapters are now longer :)
The moon had set over me, for it had started to get dark and I still had no clue where I was. I've been sitting next to the little pine tree for quite a while. I'd been running from sunset to now, how ever long that is, taking mini breaks in between. I didn't have my phone, so I was really on my own. I was starting to get hungry, for I had been out since around noon with nothing to eat, but two sips of a Starbucks. I started to pay attention to the scenery, it was beautiful, you don't see much of this in LA. Or if I still am in SoCal, I had no clue. Sudden breezes would come by ever so often, which was chilling, considering I was still only in my under sweat clothes. I got up, as I wiped the dirt off my butt and started walking again, you can only find the right way out, if you take the step.
Katy still isn't responding. David said he thought she came over here to my house, but nope, no crazy lady to be seen anywhere. I tried calling everyone I could, but they all pretty much went to voicemail, considering the fact it was almost midnight.

I had made it to this hill, having a overlook of the overly populated, city. I had recognized this place; of course! It was Santa Barbara. I know this hill too, for I used to come down here, just to relieve some stress I might have been having at times, the only other person I'd take up here was; A-

"Oh, hi" I heard a manly voice behind me, I was scared to look back, maybe they have caught up with me? I didn't look back, but I did reply

"Hi" I made a plain reply. Whoever it was, started walking towards me

"Beautiful, ain't it?" He said as he sat down, somewhat close to me.

"Yeah" I said, agreeing

"My formal friend, Katy, she showed me this place a while back when we were still in middle school" the man said. Now I was almost positive it was the people that took me, because I showed a guy in middle school this hill, which very little people know about. I looked over at him, because at this point in time, it didn't really matter, I was caught either way. Then I saw it, Alex's eyes looking out into the city, he hadn't noticed me staring yet, but I didn't want him to notice either. I hope he wasn't the psycho man. He soon looked at me, like he had read my mind.

"K-k-Katheryn?" He asked amazed.

"Mhmm" I was honestly speechless, I had nothing to respond with, I didn't want this to turn into one of those dramatic movies.

"Remember me?" He asked, hoping I would.

"Alexander Anderson." I stated, acting like a know-it-all, not even looking at him as I answered, but at the view

"So you do remember?" He giggled

"8th grade. Worst year ever" I said, jokingly

"Come on, I couldn't have made it that bad!" he pleaded

"The only thing good was when we were in cooking--making hummus, and you forgot to put the lid on the blender and chickpeas got all over Mrs. Ireland" I smirked

"NOT FUNNY" he defended himself

"It is to me" I said calmly getting up, wiping my butt from any access dirt

"Why leave so soon?"

"I told a friend I'd be at her house by eight, and it looks to me like its way past eight." I said looking at my boney wrist, pretending there was a watch.

"Who? I'll drive you, if you need it" he said, hoping I would go

"Shannon, but she lives in LA if that's fine with you" I said. I don't know how long I was in that van for, but if must have been a while if we traveled from Irvine to Santa Barbara

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2015 ⏰

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