Chapter 1

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"We have guests coming over tonight, and I want the house to be spotless!" My mom yelled at me.

"Who are these guests?"

"Angela, Svend, David, and Katy might be coming, John is busy with his music this week." I gaged when she said Katy. I was really close with Angela and David -I was fine with them coming, but Katy had always been rude to me!

"You should be happy! It's her birthday tomorrow, which reminds me, YOU need to go get her a present!" I completely forgot, and she made it clear that I was getting her a present from ME! I couldn't just sign a card and say I was in the credits too. Because I was saving up for a new phone, I decided to just make a really good card for her. --I mean people say I'm really good at drawing, I think all my drawings just look like a blob. But I anyway started drawing my family. I drew my dad, my mom, my sister, David, and Katy with blonde hair -- I didn't draw me, Katy and Angela and David all were kids in this picture, so I wasn't in it. I also wrote 'Dear Katheryn Hudson' Just the way she liked it apparently - with out me. I thought of a cute rhyme and signed it. Katy is probably going to think its crappy because she is rich, and she can get anything she wants.

[Later on]

Angela and her husband was the first to arrive, Angela was the most innocent and mature of all of us siblings, David was the next, then me, then immature Katheryn. I was setting the table when David arrived, he picked up some plates and started helping me, i was surprised he was helping me.

"Thank you." I said, he looked from left to right to make sure no one was watching.

"I'm only doing this so I don't get yelled at" Ohhhh that's why.

I walked out of the door way the separates the living room from the dinning room, and took a seat on the couch.

"So how you doing kid?" I heard Angela ask me.

"I'm great, how about you?" I responded acting like she was a adult stranger.

"Good" she giggled.

"Okay! Dinner is ready!" Phew! Katy wasn't here yet, that means she isn't coming!! A smile stretched across my face when I realized no Katy.. I sat down when I heard the door open. My face dropped. I heard her enter and say "hello! Sorry I'm late! Traffic is bad right now!" In her "sweet" voice, as KatyCats call it. Eww. Like why are there even KatyCats, she deserves no fans. And to top all of that, she sat right next to me. I guess I'll just try to be polite.

"Hi" I said smiling, of course it was fake though.

"Let's pray!" My dad yelped in excitement.

"Dear lord, thank you for allowing us to have this wonderful day, and letting everyone join our table tonight, we thank that Angela And Katy made it tonight" David cut him off

"Oh my god"

"DAVID!" Mom shouted yelling at how he used "god".

"Sorry, continue dad"

"And for letting us enjoy this dinner, thank you, amen" we all joined in on the amen. We all started digging at our foods, after a I room a bite my stomach was telling me not to take anymore, but I couldn't help it, I kept on eating, the more and more I are the worse It got, but I couldn't resist the food, it was so good! I now have the worst stomach ache ever. I dropped my fork and ran upstairs into the bathroom, and threw up. I didn't make it to the toilet. Katy walked in with a towel

"Jenna! Here" she handed me the towel and gave me a cup of water.

"Thank you" I said and we made eye contact, and she smiled. For once. She was actually being nice. To me. But why?


Sorry this is so short! But next chapter will be worth it! Hope you like it so far!

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