Chapter 4

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I sprinted across the warm fresh sand as I got closer to the figure, I slowed down. Carefully to not startle her.

"Katy?!" I said surprised

"I want to be left a lone!" She said as she got up and brushed off the sand of her light jeans. That's when it was revealed. She raised her hand up and her sleeve went down she quickly pulled her hand back down, thinking I didn't see. But I did. I saw them. Why? Why would Katy do this to herself? How long has she been doing this for? All of these questions were running through my mind as I looked back up to where Katy was formally standing, to only see the mountains behind. I looked towards the peaceful crashing waves. My eye was caught on Katy again, she was sitting on a log watching the waves. I slowly sat next to her. Should I ask? I thought to myself. No,no,no I shouldn't.

"Jenna, I thought I said I wanted to be left alone?!"

"But before I go I just wanted to say I'm sorry, Katy. I'm really sorry. I don't know what I would do with out you" I said looking down at my toes in between the sand.

"Well that's nothing compared to what came out of your mouth last night!" She spat back at me

"Another thing before I go, happy birthday" I handed her the card I made a few days ago

"uh you remembered?.....or did mom have to remind you?!" She asked angrily

"I remembered" I said half lying. She opened the pink card I had made her. There on the card was the Hudson family. The family without me.

"Thanks" she said

"....I love you Katheryn Elizabeth Hudosn" I re assured her
She stayed scolding staring down at the card

"Now can we go home and make it like your birthday?!"

"I guess" she said and sighed and she got up unstably. I don't know what happened there to be honest
*at the house*
I opened up the door and yelled

"What do you mean? I thought you were with Lizzy?!" David said confusingly

"She was, but found me at the beach and Lizzy had to go, so we walked her hole and now we are here" Katy covered up. I gave her a bump saying 'thank you' we both rushed up stairs stumbling at points and bumping each other try to get to the top first

"Ha! I beat you" I said

"Nuh-uh! I got here first!" She argued.

"Fine. Only because it's your birthday" I replied and opened the door that lead into my room.

"Hey Jenna, who is Lizzy?" She asked.

Note: I know I keep saying I'm gonna make the next cheater longer. I keep lying lol. I'm trying to make the longer and update a lot, but it's hard 😩 anyway, Happy Halloween Everyone! New chapter tomorrow!

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