Chapter one

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July was a hot month, and you wondered just how sitting under the midday sun, dehydrated and stressed out made it any better.

You were sitting in a cement ladder, facing towards the group of highschool delinquents about to start a fight. Had it been you from eleven years ago, back when you lived in a different world, you would've been shitting your pants. But ten years into whatever comedy your life was, their antics were akin to a boring, common sight.

Another world indeed. Eleven years ago, a show-off sports car's driver did you the favor of ending your poor life, but instead of sending you to hell, you landed in a manga world. To be more precise, the past of the manga you had been reading a day before your death.

You got to see the mini versions of some of the characters who were literal mafia leaders, some who were (or had been) in jail, and some who were dead.

It was, to say at least, tragic. It was a weight put on your shoulders that demanded you, and cried for you to carry it.

After basically growing up with them, being a sibling figure and a best friend, how could you not accept it with open arms?

They were no longer characters. They were your friends, your family, and therefore, your problem.

So now, preparing for the first phase of your much thought of plan, a familiar feeling of nervousness made its home in your stomach.

'Having Takemichi on my side will be a plus. Time traveling is no joke', you thought, while being on the lookout for a blond head. This search had been going on for about half a month, because you didn't know the exact date.

Your eyes were sore from staring too intensely for a long time, and you started wondering if today wasn't the day, either.

But the sky smiled on you, and while they were presenting the fighters and taking bets, Takemichi's name was mentioned. He was acting kind of oddly, though.

'Huh... he must be the present one. The future one doesn't show up until right at the start of the fight'.

He was fighting one of Kiyomasa's underlings, whose name you didn't pay attention to.

When the blond's cocky-ish look changed into a surprised, confused, and terrified (How did he do that?) expression, you knew you caught the big fish.

...Your big fish got knocked out in a single punch.

Seeing him on the ground while everyone left was your cue to get up, get some drinks for yourself, rest for a while and buy some bandages to present yourself as a friendly person. He'd be knocked out until almost eight P.M, anyways.

And so came the moment of truth.

The sky was already dark by the time you came back. Kiyomasa and his underlings stood shady-ish on the ladders, waiting for Takemichi to wake up. Hiding a little further away, behind a bush where you could still hear them, you also waited for him to wake up. Thus, a few minutes later, he woke up, and asked the much awaited question from your part.

"Um...You guys are in the Tokyo Manji gang, aren't you? I'd like to meet one of the leaders, someone either called Sano or Kisaki... I wonder if you'd help me out?" Takemichi sounded even more polite in real life.

Like hearing your thoughts, he added, "Ah. If it's not possible, then that's ok".

'...Is this the right idea?', you had forgotten how naive Takemichi was.

However, he was still your best shot at achieving a good end.

Thinking like this, you rapidly walked towards Kiyomasa and his group, the first one about to beat the daylights out of Takemichi with his bat.

Standing closely to them, you spoke in a clear, commanding voice, "That's enough".

Kiyomasa and his group all looked at you, and after recognizing you, they bowed. Kiyomasa with the half-assed one Ken would kick him for.

The group greeted you, honorifics and all, while Kiyomasa respectfully nodded at you.

Truth is, you weren't an official member of Toman. Rather, you were respected because of being there since the founding, and an older sibling figure to all of their leaders. It still wouldn't be such a big deal if it was only them, but even Mikey listened to your suggestions and showed his own appreciation.

You planned to make full use of that authority.

"I'll take it from here", you announced to Kiyomasa.

"Yes.", and with that, exactly at 8:10 o'clock, they were gone.

You looked down at Takemichi. "You said you wanted to see a leader, didn't you?".

Almost tasting victory on your mouth, you continued, "I'm no leader, but I can let you see one".

While saying this, you crouched down to meet his gaze and gave him the bandages you previously bought.

Takemichi's eyes had been wide for a long time already, "That-! Thank you so much, uh...!"

You got the hint he was asking for your name.

You smiled at him, "(Y/n)".

He smiled with his signature big and bright smile, "(Y/n)-san!".

Honestly, you would like to stay and talk some more, but he still had Hina to go to. It was kind of an essential development.

You stood up again, and while looking into his eyes told him, "Tomorrow, when another brawl happens, be there. We'll see then". There, he would meet Draken and Mikey. You wouldn't be there for that, but saying this would make him remember you.

With a determined face, he nodded.

'He's got such a main character aura to him.', looking at him always gave you the same feeling.

Looking at the clock close by, you started walking and gave your back to him. "Take care!"

You went home feeling satisfied with your work. Today was a good day.

hello :]

english isn't my first language. please tell me if you spot a mistake

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