Chapter seven

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August third came like any other day, like it wasn't someone's death day.

The entire week prior to it, you repeat to yourself that it wasn't someone's death day. You would stop that, even if you had to take that knife up your ass.

Now, it was the night of the festival, and you did what had to be done.

You had forced Mikey to come as back up, and had Mitsuya's number at hand. Though neither knew anything.

This time around, Peh-Yan would had no reason to attack Draken, so Mitsuya also didn't have a reason to come in his search.

Your only option was to have them see proof with their own eyes.

Of course, you wouldn't let things go like the original.

You would let Hina and Takemichi have their little date, same with Draken and Emma, but you would mess with the places, positions, and timing.

For example, Takemichi would never cross near the Shrine, where Kiyomasa and his group would beat and tie him up, because you sent him and Hina somewhere else. Also, Draken wouldn't be left alone for such a long time, and his injuries wouldn't be so grave.

Once the two couples were gone, you hurriedly dragged Mikey along to a booth and bought him a lot of sweets and different foods.

"Let's go now.", you didn't let go of his ugly shirt's sleeve.

He let himself be dragged along like a balloon, satisfied with his handful of food.

"Why do you wanna follow them so bad, anyways?.", he asked, chewing everything like a rat.

"Because I want to know what happens.", your lie was extremely out of character, and by Mikey's unimpressed gaze you knew he could tell too, but it didn't matter. You were saving their lives, why should you bother so much with unnecessarily perfect lies?

They went around being cute, and your inner flower lover formed mental images of the flower arrangements you'd do for their wedding, until they arrived at a parking lot, it started raining, and someone finally appeared.

It wasn't Peh-Yan this time, it was Kiyomasa.

You had more or less expected this outcome.

If there was one thing you had learned from this universe was, even if you changed the way conflicts happened, they would still happen. You could stop someone from doing like the original, but then someone else would pop up and take their place. It was irritating, but again, expected.

So you had to solve the conflict twice.

Draken addressed Kiyomasa, but he himself, Emma, and Mikey noticed his weird gaze.

You told Mikey, who was now pl
aying close attention to the actions of the ones infront of him, "Someone's fucking sneaking up on Draken with a bat!".

He didn't need to be told twice. He dropped everything in his hands, and ran over like you'd never seen to land a hard kick into the dude's abdomen. He was angry, that you could tell, but did a great job in controlling his dark impulses.

Just like that, many, many things changed.

"Mikey!.", Emma exclaimed from the side lines.

"What're you doin' here?.", Draken asked, looking closely at the Moebius enemies appearing in front of him one by one.

"I don't know.", he sincerely answered.

Better than saying you were spying on them, right?

They started the fight, and Mikey's presence was definitely noted. They took the gang down one by one, as if they were flies.

Hopeful changes (A reader insert TR cannon divergence story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang