Chapter two

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"(Y/n)-kun, are you doing drugs?"This question caused someone to spill their drink, another one to close their eyes in resignation, and the last one to smirk.

You glared at the dead-eyed man in front of you. 


Of course you weren't, but whatever it takes him to leave you alone. 

"So sincere…" Shinichiro made an annoying face.

Any face the man made was an annoying one. Moments like this made you want to give him a taste of his previous meant-to-be destiny. 

Still though, you were glad you saved him. You spent weeks waiting outside of his motorcycle shop, on the lookout for dumbass Baji and Kazutora. Your hard work paid off, and instead of getting a juvenile sentence, a load of trauma and three mental illnesses, both of them only got a good scolding and slap to the back of their heads. (At the end, they -you- bought Mikey a candy shop gift card).

You had no idea how annoying the fucker would turn out to be. Even as a grown adult, he just loved to mess around.

"But really though, why did you come so late? Oh no… could it be you…".

A huge ball of rice stopped whatever nonsense he was about to say. 

"I nothing. I was busy searching to improve my shop's diversity of flowers".

At eighteen years old, you had gotten yourself a small flower shop. It did well, and you expected it to grow more. 

"Boring.", said the asshole. 

He had shut up, but the asshole (Mini version) spoke.

"You're lying, (Y/n)-chin. You don't use those shoes for anything formal.", and he dared spout such unnecessary smart nonsense with his mouth full. 

Then did your savior intervene. "Leave (Y/n)-kun alone, won't you? They're trying to eat".

You gave her a grateful smile. Even though she used you as a make-up lab rat sometimes, Emma had your back in times like these.

Dinner went on peacefully -or at least the Sano's family definition of peaceful- like that. 

When everyone finished, you cleaned up the table and started washing the dishes. Emma normally cooked, and when you visited, -you lived in an apartment a fair distance away from here-, you always cleaned the dishes. 

At the time, everyone was somewhere doing something, so you were left alone in the kitchen.

That was the reason why you got so spooked when you heard a voice behind you, "(Y/n)-kun".

It was a raspy, deep voice.

It was grandpa Sano's voice. 

You turned to look at him and smiled, "Yeah?".

He was grandpa Sano, but he was also your grandpa, who took you in and saved your (second) life.

He seemed to hesitate before speaking, "If… you have any sort of problems or troubles, you can tell me. I may be old, but I am not yet rusty". 

...Was he saying this because of Shinichiro?

You didn't voice this aloud, and instead told him, "I will, grandpa. But I promise everything's ok".

Everything was ok indeed, everything was going just fine.
Two days after the first phase of your plan, you took a day off your shop and walked to the school the kids went to. 

Today, you were playing babysitter. 

You sat, yet again, on a small pavement ladder in front of the entrance and waited. 

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