46. Long way to go

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Third POV

"No I won't!" Rose whined loudly, pouting at Amira, who had her arm raised, stretched above her head.

"Yes you will!" She said, raising her heels to be higher when Rose reached for the shiny black rock in her hand.

Amira found this rock when they were strolling by the pond in the park. It was shiny black with gold lines on it. It catched her eye, like a paperweight would, so she decided to pick it up.

Rose asked if she could hold it, but Amira started teasing her, saying she'll 'accidentally' drop it into the pond.

"You are being mean!" Rose whined, lowering her arms. She crossed her arms and looked at her twin with a little scowl on her face.

"Aww. Little Rosie Posie is upset." Amira pouted, lowering her arm too.

Rose huffed and turned away from her. Snickering quietly, Amira moved forward and pushed her hand before Rose, offering the rock.

"Here," she said, softly. She watched with adoration as Rose looked at the rock and frowned in suspicion. She looked at Amira, suspecting she'll pull it away as soon as she reached for it.

When she was met with nothing but a genuine smile, Rose lifted her hand and took the rock from her.

"It's so pretty," she said, softly when her hand wrapped around the cool rock. "Dad would've loved this."

"Yeah," Amira said, softly. Her voice was barely above a whisper but the pain hidden behind that word screamed loud and clear. "And Mom would've been annoyed."

Rose let out a sad chuckle and stared at the rock.

"Will you go sit on that bench for a moment?" Amira said, after a while. "I'm thirsty."

Rose nodded, despite the questions swirling in her mind. She didn't argue and went to sit on the bench they were sitting on, the stone clutched tightly in her hand.

Amira stood at her place, her head turned to the side as she watched Rose get seated. She nodded to herself when Rose settled on the bench.

Turning her head to face forward, she started walking towards the pathway that had trees on both sides as you walked further.

Rose watched Levi walk there, with one hand stuffed in her pocket, the other moving with her steps.

Rose couldn't help but admire her twin yet again.

She carried herself like a queen. Like she was in-charge and her command was everything. That's how powerful her walk looked to Rose.

She watched as far as she could as Levi walked on the pathway, eventually disappearing into the trees that surrounded the further part of it.

She knew Levi was lying. If she was looking for drinking water somewhere, she wouldn't be so focused and precise with her movements. Her unwavering gaze and focus on just one way told her it was something else.

But like always, she pushed the questions and doubts to the back of her mind. Levi knew what she was doing. She was always right.

Amira was precise with every movement as she walked on the stone pavement. Her footsteps weren't loud. She was quiet as her eyes narrowed in focus.

The girl walking about seven steps ahead of her was however very fidgety in her movements. She was fiddling with the bottom of her shirt. Her gaze was flicking every second, as she chewed her bottom lip nervously.

Her heart dropped when she felt a presence close behind her.

Amira slowed down a little. She could just lean forward, extend her arm and tap the girl's shoulder. That's how close she was now.

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